Pistol silencers.


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I pick up a sweet ruger mark II 22cal the other day for a cheap price from my land lord. There is so many accessories for this gun that I can get. The main thing I want is a silencer, anybody ever had any dealings with getting one. Duece, your the gun man on here, you got any.
i know that, at least here in texas, you have to be licensened or something in order to buy or sell such things.
You have to have a Class III license. A shit ton of bullshit to go through, but if you really want it, it would be worth it.
You dont have to have a class III license, you just have to have it registered on the NFA Registry and pay the $200 tax stamp, oh the background check the BATFE puts you through. If you are buying it from a CLass III dealer he will walk you through all the paper work.
You dont have to have a class III license, you just have to have it registered on the NFA Registry and pay the $200 tax stamp, oh the background check the BATFE puts you through. If you are buying it from a CLass III dealer he will walk you through all the paper work.
You're right... I was thinking full auto. My bad.

It's still a shit ton of paperwork and a long waiting period.
You're right... I was thinking full auto. My bad.

It's still a shit ton of paperwork and a long waiting period.

Actually owning a full auto, short barreled shotgun or rifle(barrel under 16 inches), a silencer or any weapon over .50 cal is all the same. They are all class III weapons and require the same $200 tax stamp. Has been this way since the National Fire Arms Act of 1934 (unconstitutional as a bastard) was passed.
You have to have a Class III license. A shit ton of bullshit to go through, but if you really want it, it would be worth it.

No it's not.. it's a 200 dollar 1 time tax.

There is paperwork involved. ANY Class III licensed authorized reseller will assist you through the whole process. Takes ehhh 20 minutes.

You hear back WITHIN 4 WEEKS. (They say 2 to 5 monnths but it's just to cover their asses)

And, if you can legally walk in.. fill out the paperwork for a HANDGUN.

You can walk in and LEGALLY PASS ALL BACKGROUND CHECKS FOR YOUR CLASS III Stamp.. Trust me, I know.

You dont have to have a class III license, you just have to have it registered on the NFA Registry and pay the $200 tax stamp, oh the background check the BATFE puts you through. If you are buying it from a CLass III dealer he will walk you through all the paper work.

What he said.

Man I can't believe they are legal in any way shape or form

Why !?! I own MAANY Silencers.. for MULTIPLE REASONS..

Ever heard a gunshot go off while HUNTING PREY !??! They scatter.. silencer allows you Follow up shots in case.. YOU SUCK.

Also, someone breaks into your place..looking to kill ur whole family.. your kids are asleep..you have to kill this perp.. DO U WANT YOUR 3 Year old daughter woken up by the sound of a clip of 5.56rnd coming from a Full Auto (auto burst) waking her up.. or would you rather neautilze the threat.. call the police and walk in and pick her up and take outside without her being awoken by the sound of effin gun shots bro !?!

Obviously you don't believe if protecting yourself, or your family.


Criminals would have access to these things whether civilians were allowed to or not.. so why shouldn't use civilians have just as much right to own them as the P.O.S. Banger who's black marketing his silencer??

You're right... I was thinking full auto. My bad.

It's still a shit ton of paperwork and a long waiting period.

No it's NOT.. I signed my name about 12 times, the Gun Dealer across the counter handled the rest.

And Like I said, I had my Class III in 4 weeks time.. and my first fully auto M16 ... then I had to get an MP-5 and next .. AR-15's .. and AK's ...


The BATF are all over this...Just cuz they say 8-20 weeks.. my buddy waited 10 wks once.. No Biggie.. cuz it's a forever thing..

Actually owning a full auto, short barreled shotgun or rifle(barrel under 16 inches), a silencer or any weapon over .50 cal is all the same. They are all class III weapons and require the same $200 tax stamp. Has been this way since the National Fire Arms Act of 1934 (unconstitutional as a bastard) was passed.

Right again brother !! Do you also possess one too !?! Whatcha got for shooting fun/home defense/or hunting??:D


<table><tbody><tr><td align="center">[FONT=arial,verdana]Machine Guns-- Private & Corporate Ownership[/FONT] </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center">
It is a common misconception that machine guns cannot be owned by law-abiding citizens. This comes from the creation of a variety of confusing laws that have made purchasing a full-auto gun more difficult than purchasing a "normal" gun. But, if you can comply with the law, you may qualify to own a machine gun.

First a brief history: In May of 1986, certain laws went into effect that made it illegal for 'civilians' to own fully automatic firearms that were manufactured AFTER THAT DATE. Many fully automatic weapons manufactured, registered and tax paid BEFORE MAY, 1986, MAY BE OWNED BY AND SOLD TO INDIVIDUALS. The full-auto guns that may be owned by individuals are called 'transferable'. Some states DO NOT allow machine gun ownership at all, no matter when the gun was made, but many states do.

To purchase a transferable machine gun, you must meet certain requirements (generally the same as when you purchase another gun, but with additional scrutiny), fill out special paperwork (called a 'form 4'), and pay a $200, one-time, transfer tax. Every time a machine gun is transferred, the $200 tax must be paid-- usually by the purchaser. The steps to take to purchase a transferable machine gun are:

  1. Find a dealer locally who can assist you in all phases of the transfer. This should go beyond helping you fill out the paperwork: they should help you locate the gun if it isn't in stock and allow you to shoot the gun while your paperwork is being processed by the BATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms). It will usually take 4-6 weeks for the dealer to get the gun from another dealer if they don't already have it in stock (due to BATF paperwork delays).
  2. Get your fingerprints (either by a police dept. or by a qualified fingerprinter, two imprints are needed) and two passport sized pictures taken. These will be used to perform a comprehensive criminal background check on you.
  3. Have your local dealer help you fill out an "Application for Tax Paid Transfer And Registration Of Firearm" for, known as a "form 4".
  4. You must have the signature of the Chief Law Enforcement (CLEO) officer that has jurisdiction over the municipality in which you live on the form 4. This could be the City Chief or the County Sheriff, for example. This is usually not a problem-- in machine gun friendly states. The form 4, CLEO signature, 2 fingerprint cards, 2 pictures, and a $200 check (your one-time transfer tax) must all be mailed to the BATF and an approved tax stamp returned before you may take possession of the gun. This may take anywhere from 2 to 5 months.
All I was trying to say is that I am surprised they are legal. Take it easy on me Deuce ;)
LOL, at not wanting to protect your family or yourself because you didnt know silencers were legal. The last thing on your mind if a perp enters your home looking to kill should be waking up your child, if it turns into a shootout then you need to have a plan in motion anyways for your spouse to go into the child's room and take cover with them. Also one of the last guns im going to pick up for home defense is going to be a full auto over penetrating round especially with children in the house. Silencers are more for a fun toy, not really bought in most cases for home defense. It is also illegal in several states to hunt with a silencer, most will allow it for predators but not often for big game.

Oh and its not a clip, its a magazine.
I really want my kids to hear the shots, actually, so they know to hit the floor and stay low and in the closets. But that's just our personal plan.
yea if im blasting at an intruder, i want the whole damn neighborhood to know.
1. so they call the cops
2. so the neighborhood knows not to fuck with this house or family
Didnt know this thread would go this far, I just wanted a silencer for fun. As far as a intruder in my house, I want him to hear that 12gauge 3inch magnum buckshot going off before it hits him in his chest or head or wherever.