
PO644 said:
i wonder if the jews thought that guns were only for killing? i bet a few wished the had had one what do you think?
they probably did wish that .
but i do you it would have done em any good .
im done here..Bestquads i respect your opinion bro but its best kept to yourself.. learner only asked a question and you gave your opinion on something that is a very touchy subject.. history is best to be learned if not it will only repeat itself im done on this subject cause this is 1 that really fires me up and best not discussed on this board ..peace
I understand that i thinkg guns are a bad thing and have no use but to kill or intimedate the less there are in the wrold the better .
actually i started this .
and this is the last post i will put up on this thread i think guns are bad and it's wrong to keep em if you aren't in the military or the army ,but you laws grant you the right to own them if they make you feel safer then keep em all i'am saying is the wrold would be a better safer place if you didn't .
i also respect your desire to protect yourselves .