pit bull owners

ok dicknose first off if you say your dog sleeps with your 8 year old thats great, have fun explaining to her how the dog died cause daddy wanted it to fight like an asshole! second off im here in st.louis lets not get to cocky about winning the supoerbowl first off the raiders got screwed and the pats should have never been there. do you care to wager on whos team gets farther this year? pats wont make the playoffs. also you want to see how good your dog is bring him out here were the local yahoos love to spend all damn night in the middle of the street fighting thier damn dogs, and when thier dog isnt the baddest on the block they go buy another (great friends). anyway what people choose to do is thier own buisness but dont come in here jumping shit cause we dont care about your daamn tapes or mas. for that!
Spanki, now you came on here to ask if anyone wanted to see tapes of dogs fighting. And you dont want to fight your dog. First of all, you said you bought your dog so you could pick up chicks because he is big. You cant pick up chicks on your own. Fuck, you should have gotten a bunny rabbit. Girls like them more. That is the problem with pits. They are now an accessory. You say what does purple ribbon mean. Not shit. All it means is 4 generations were registered. You think some yahoo with 20 dogs cant have a mastiff on his yard and breed it and send in papers and say it was one of his pits. They dont come check. How about this. Is your dog DNA tested. Hell no. I wonder why. You bring dog fighting on to a board that does not need that kind of attention. It is because people like you that all of us responsible pit bull owners will one day not be allowed to own them. BSL is already happening everywhere. Open your eyes. It is thugs and drug dealers that fight dogs. That is why they are attacking so many people. They will beat em with bats just to make them aggressive now days. Why would you want that for a breed you own. People buy these dogs to make them feel more powerfull and I guess that is what you did too.
high side, YES i do breed game dogs.... In fact i roll my dogs bro. I have a jeep bitch crossed with a touch of chinaman and a touch of redboy. My male comes off of frisco frozen semen. He is pure Chinaman. Im married with a kid. My lady only lets me have two dogs. But my neighbor also breeds game dogs and he has 10 dogs himself. He and i know my shit is good. This is why we use each others dogs. Ive seen footage at his house. He does use his dogs. I dont fight my dogs, but they are schooled and ready to go if i wanted to throw at least 5 grand on a match. Any thing less i will not gamble for my dog is worth to much to lose. My dogs are legit. I have no problem getting rid of my blood. Now jus because this guy posts here thinking he knows shit about shit. Dont come across me thinkin i dont know my own game. To be honest with u, if i wanted to have my dog in the pit. BRING IT!!! He or she will be on so much shit, conditioned and with there schooling. I would win period. But, but its not about that. I bread game dogs because i love the characteristics of the superman like dogs. True game dogs are never human aggressive it is not in there nature. Put it this way, a retriever retrieves dead birds, there always with a handleer. Jus as a pit fighter are always handled by humans. If any thing the dog will be dog aggressive not human aggressive. Now come at me when hyou are ready to buy a true game dog out of my lines. Then u can tell me who knows shit! peace brotha' :cool: ;)
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low side

how boat this Ill pay to have my dog dna tested ill post the fact or send to where ever you want and when your e wrong like you are about th ebig dog comment my dog is very musclar like low to the ground whith a huge head , the guy I got my dog from doesnt have any 120 pound pits never has where did you get the 120 from youre ass?ill bet you weight the same as youre dad and the two of you weight 115 w 40% bf youre best lift of the year was youre dads pants after you blew him , now fuck you you texas faggit. my dogs 68-70 pounds , and where s youre dog from , no better yet let leave youre dog out of this im sure if you like em hes a fine pit, you should never talk bad about a man s dog that just one of those things.You are a fool I read all of you re post you suck, and you could carry my lunch pale let alone eat it.Tell youre mom I said hi.
fitnessbuff said:
high side, YES i do breed game dogs.... In fact i roll my dogs bro. I have a jeep bitch crossed with a touch of chinaman and a touch of redboy. My male comes off of frisco frozen semen. He is pure Chinaman. Im married with a kid. My lady only lets me have two dogs. But my neighbor also breeds game dogs and he has 10 dogs himself. He and i know my shit is good. This is why we use each others dogs. Ive seen footage at his house. He does use his dogs. I dont fight my dogs, but they are schooled and ready to go if i wanted to throw at least 5 grand on a match. Any thing less i will not gamble for my dog is worth to much to lose. My dogs are legit. I have no problem getting rid of my blood. Now jus because this guy posts here thinking he knows shit about shit. Dont come across me thinkin i dont know my own game. To be honest with u, if i wanted to have my dog in the pit. BRING IT!!! He or she will be on so much shit, conditioned and with there schooling. I would win period. But, but its not about that. I bread game dogs because i love the characteristics of the superman like dogs. True game dogs are never human aggressive it is not in there nature. Put it this way, a retriever retrieves dead birds, there always with a handleer. Jus as a pit fighter are always handled by humans. If any thing the dog will be dog aggressive not human aggressive. Now come at me when hyou are ready to buy a true game dog out of my lines. Then u can tell me who knows shit! peace brotha' :cool: ;)

I never said you dont know game dogs. You seem like you know a lot more about game dogs than this spanki guy. I dont fight dogs and I hate it but it is your opinion. A lot of people dont think that AS is right but I do it. Dont get me wrong. I love game bred dogs. I think they are great. I just dont like fighting them. I have a friend that raised them and hunts hogs with them. I trust one of those with my life. They have to hold the hog down or you are fucked. I would not trust some big pit for anything hunting. It is just two diffrent breeds to me. I just dont like fighting dogs and I hate to see people buy these big dogs becasue it makes them feel tougher.
Re: low side

spankie said:
how boat this Ill pay to have my dog dna tested ill post the fact or send to where ever you want and when your e wrong like you are about th ebig dog comment my dog is very musclar like low to the ground whith a huge head , the guy I got my dog from doesnt have any 120 pound pits never has where did you get the 120 from youre ass?ill bet you weight the same as youre dad and the two of you weight 115 w 40% bf youre best lift of the year was youre dads pants after you blew him , now fuck you you texas faggit. my dogs 68-70 pounds , and where s youre dog from , no better yet let leave youre dog out of this im sure if you like em hes a fine pit, you should never talk bad about a man s dog that just one of those things.You are a fool I read all of you re post you suck, and you could carry my lunch pale let alone eat it.Tell youre mom I said hi.

You cant be more than 18. You know nothing about the line of dog you have. Does mammoth not claim to have the biggest pit bulls in the world. You PM me and say I am 6'4" and weigh 250lbs like I give a flying fuck. You know nothing about DNA testing do you. Who gives a fuck if you go get your dog DNA'ed. It will tell you nothing. You have to have the parents DNA'ed first to see where it came from. Learn your DNA first.
its over you lost . lick youre wound or show up at the jersey show, that all if you show bring youre pup and ill bet my will eat it and if you want me and you can see whos gamer, I have dilexia so my writing shows and there are adds in the gazzette to have dna testing done . say What you want Youre ashith head dog or no dog , youre proble mad cause youre ass hurts from shooting shit gear from vets.Ask youre mom for some of her novaldexes and go cry .Id lick to see a pick of you .
Mine is an American Pit Bull Terrier with Eli and Bullyson blood. I would never fathom fighting him. In fact, he is a pampered pooch! Even rides FRONT SEAT of the car! LOL!!!!!

I just clicked on this link and found this sight. I read mention about mammothpitbulls in Florida. I was wondering if I could get some feedback from anyone who has dealt with this kennel and D. Littlejohn. I am looking forward to buying a pup from this kennel. Thanks fellas!
man I own two pitbulls, don't fight them though...but love the dogs!!!
hi guys,
new to the fourm but not to pitbulls. i have a show champion and in the past i did collect old pit fighting stuff, pre 73, i did buy bob stevens 100 keep video, i don't know what happend to it. it was intersting to see/hear the keep before the fight but they didn't did have the match on tape. the tape has a bad diet and a good exerise routines. i used part of the information on my weight pull conditioning for my bitch, i finished her ACE title back in 95? and she is retired now and 11 years young.
anyone have information on that taz dog in the video? i remember a bullent board had some info on the dog but forgot the address...
Fighting on the internet is like being in the special Olympics.

Even if you win, you're still retarded.

Personally I think anyone who fights their dog is a FUCKING COWARD!! the dogs enjoy it you said? hmmm, so dogs love pain and getting chewed to death. Tell you what why dont YOU go fight someone to the death sounds like fun and if dogs "enjoy" it I think you would too. and YES your a PUNK BITCH and a THUG for putting those poor animals through all that. To make a long story short, will someone bann this Douche!!!:angry: