Planet Fitness is an equal opportunity discriminator

This town's PF is nothing but blacks. 350 lb black females eating, I mean cramming pizza in their pie hole is disgusting. It's a joke in this area. Blacks have a whole different way of acting here.
This town's PF is nothing but blacks. 350 lb black females eating, I mean cramming pizza in their pie hole is disgusting. It's a joke in this area. Blacks have a whole different way of acting here.

Lol I take it your not black lol and where is here ?
I'm not necessarily racist, but I do hate many people. I wasn't as hateful until I got locked up. I swear jail/prison breeds hate. This is also why I hate being around a bunch of people. So I'd never go to a PF because I'm sure it is full of fucking idiots that'd just cause me to go off the deep end