Planet Fitness


National Strongman Competitor
Ok so I have seen all over the internet people bitching that these commercials are not politically correct..they are discriminating against bodybuilders, etc, etc...The whole 9 yards...

I mean Planet Fitness in general, I hate. The business model, the gym itself, but I have to say I like their commercials...

What's your thoughts on this??

I think it's pathetic people are whining and crying, especially competitors in the sport, women bodybuilders everywhere are crying discrimination..I know a few IFBB pro's firsthand, and guess what ladies, you are masculine, what the hell are you crying about??

Bikini of course do not.

As a former Bodybuilder of 12 years, I personally find their commercials to be hilarious for the most part...Are they "politically correct"...Who the F*** cares, whatever happened to freedom of speech??

I also noticed that women are using this as another platform to complain. (big surprise)

Are you guys offended by these, or like me do you find them comical and funny??

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I like them too. I hate their hypocrisy though. Honestly though they are right in their generalization, I mean we sit here and write threads hand over fiat about douche bags at the gym.

Now it isn't anyone's fault if they get but hurt if someone is bigger and better looking so they need the comfort of someone telling them its ok to be average or overweight but that person. I make it a point to avoid being labels that way if a meathead or gymrat so I am very polite and smile but keep to myself.
Not ALL the male/female bodybuilders have a problem with planet fitness. At least not the ones getting paid to be in the commercials...but hey, good for them. I personally don't care, then again I'm not a bodybuilder. I've only seen a few but I thought they were funny.

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Not ALL the male/female bodybuilders have a problem with planet fitness. At least not the ones getting paid to be in the commercials...but hey, good for them. I personally don't care, then again I'm not a bodybuilder. I've only seen a few but I thought they were funny.
i think the commercials are funny but im dumb compared to bodybuilders

my problem with planet fitness is the huge sign when you walk in says The Judgement Free Zone but you see these commercials and seems like they are judging
i'm stubborn and correct in all my views and everyone else on the planet is wrong if they disagree with me (usually liberals)...they're trying to open a PF in my town after the new year...i've been on a campaign to keep everyone away from's really no different than Curves is...go in as a fat housewife/PTA mom and leave as a fat housewife/PTA mom...but coed
Everybody bitches and moans about politically correct shit and discrimination. It's almost like you're forced to follow suit otherwise you're trampled on. There was a "hot story" on the news about a county hiring their first black police officer last month and it was even more "special" because she was a woman!! Who the fuck cares?! If you can't do the job you don't get hired. Placing favoritism on an applicant because of skin color, race, or anything else puts EVERYONE'S life in danger because the best applicant is not hired.
America used to be the place where the best person for the job is hired. Not anymore. If I'm not screaming that I'm being discriminated against, someone is screaming that I am discriminating against them.
We all know that I only got the position as a site rep is because I have small calves and I'm white....
I think they are hilarious as hell, like the one when the guy says has anyone lost a washboard haha. I hadn't seen this one tho
I fucking loath these commercials! If I opened a hardcore gym and ran a commercial cracking on fat people I would be crucified by the local and national media!

Fuck PF lol they had a ccommercial years ago advertising a pizza night lol really!!!!

And who wants to workout around a bunch of slow fat lazy people anyhow! It's their gym and they can advertise as they see fit I guess
At least all of the free weights are not in use. lol. As a gym I think planet fitness is dumb, but the commercials are comical. I probably wouldn't be laughing if I had to work out there. lol.
I fucking loath these commercials! If I opened a hardcore gym and ran a commercial cracking on fat people I would be crucified by the local and national media!

Fuck PF lol they had a ccommercial years ago advertising a pizza night lol really!!!!

And who wants to workout around a bunch of slow fat lazy people anyhow! It's their gym and they can advertise as they see fit I guess

Bro I hear ya, a while back I had this discussion. I have a weigth loss franchise in my gym that practices the paddy cakes bakers man attitude....the rep from this franchise is damn proud that her company is like PF. The pizza thing, well her company has promtions that offer pizza because according to her "brings normal folks in the door" of course with the hope they will join.

PF claims that for every one platehead that doesn't join there are 100 other normal people will. So as much as I despise them, I do see thier biz model, as much as rip off as it is. You see, PF has taken everything that people hated about gyms, (grunting, telling people that light & easy will get great results, that diet has very little to do w/progress, you dont have to train hard etc etc) put a spin on all this (meaning outright lie) and said "here general public, heres a place for the average Joe that has great results, we even give you accolades if you lose 10 lbs"

It would be great marketing if it worked. We all know there no easy way out. PF can shove it up thier wussy asses
they make alot more money from new customers than they do maintaining's no different than cell phone companies and their sales
they make alot more money from new customers than they do maintaining's no different than cell phone companies and their sales

I figured that! they get all the gung ho people who fizzle out after realizing eating pizza and walking on one of their 500 treadmills doesnt work! lol then the next idiot signs up and so on and so forth!
They just opened one around here and I just don't pay any attention to it. If they don't want bodybuilders there then that's fine I don't want to be there as I like my gym anyway. I'm picky about where I train and I'm a creature of habit so I prefer to stay where I've been for a while. Yea it's cheap, but I don't care about money when it comes to shit like that. If it was the only gym around then I'd probably bitch about it, but there's always going to be an option on gyms
they make alot more money from new customers than they do maintaining's no different than cell phone companies and their sales

That's their goal, people coming and going and not really using their memberships to the fullest extent. More use of the membership results in more abuse (use) of equipment. I say abuse because they're getting people that probably don't know what they're doing and will abuse shit. Either way they wouldn't be making money if every member came 20-25 days in a month. They'd be too full and people would go elsewhere because this gym or that gym isn't as busy at a specific time of day
They are just like all the other fluff, maintream commercial places.....tons of cadio which of course burns fat and muscle (theres your weight loss, albeit muscle loss) not much in the area of free weights (too blue collar, those tortourous weigts plus the laiblity) and they beleive in keeping the C- students with the C- students. Gotta feel a little sorry for the poor bastards that buy into this crap. They dont know any better

Oh and PF may be quick to point out that The Biggest Loser works out at one (the Loser part I can beleive :) ) and I just think how good would this person look if he/she worked out a real gym???
In the end, who gives a fuck. You can't change the type of mentality that buys into that PF montage.
Comical. I like the ronnie coleman spoof though where he slams shit and yells constantly to set the alarm off. That shits for the win
i think the commercials are funny but im dumb compared to bodybuilders

my problem with planet fitness is the huge sign when you walk in says The Judgement Free Zone but you see these commercials and seems like they are judging

Right on the money bro. But they are funny as shit......
I was approached last year at a show I competed in and was asked if I would be interested in addition for a commercial and they needed guys like me but that's all they told me sooo of course I said yes. Showed up a few days later at the casting call with a room full of body builders but they only took two back at a time, didn't give us our lines until they had us in front of camera then said this is a commercial for planet fitness, the one with two bb and some dorky guy and it was about bro-tien , bro, train and drain their wallets, then it hit me hey were totally clowning us. Didn't get the part obviously but pretty funny they didn't tell us anything about it until camera ready, very sneaky.