Planning my third cycle


New member
I've gone through two cycles without help/advice but thought I'd reach out to you guys and get your opinion.

My first cycle was straight Dbol, 50mg/day with clomid for pct. Planned to run it for 12 weeks but had to cut it off around 8. It was making me really bi-polar aggressive/depressed, I couldn't get wood to save my life and I couldn't cardio/run without my lower legs/feet hurting like a mofo. I did gain a good 20+lbs and gained strength but the gains weren't worth the side effects.

Second cycle was Test E 500mg/week (2 inj per week) and occasionally before intense workouts I'd stack with my leftover Dbol. Ran the full 12 weeks cycle and it went well, started around 190lbs and finished around 225. Strength gain was better than my first cycle, my libido wasn't great but again better than the dbol only, plus I didn't have any of the mental side effects. Cardio/running was fine when limited to 3mi or less.

Now I'm planning my third cycle but want to try something leaner - more cut and definition, lean growth over size and what feels like water retention. My main priorities in deciding on a good lean cycle are keeping my hair, boner and cardio - in that order. Really I don't care to inject more than twice a week which I understand further limits my options.

My current plan is a 12 week cycle of Test E @ 500mg/week (250mg/ml) & Primobolan E @ 300mg/week (150mg/ml), injected on Monday and Friday. For the first 4 weeks I'll kick things off with an extra stack of 20mg/day dbol. Clomid or Tamoxifen for pct.

Would that help get me the results I'm looking for? What should I add/modify/remove? A friend of a friend mentioned finishing on Masteron but I've read that's more for people who are already well cut and defined.
If your 2nd 12 week cycle went well may I ask why your thinking about adding anything ? Personally I would stick to what worked before, Keep the test at 500mg/week again add dbol 1st 2-4 weeks this time. Remember there is no supplement that can lean you out without a proper meal plan! Keeping things simple makes it easy to figure out what needs to be changed.
Thanks for the reply. Starting about week 8 I seemed to hit a sticking point where progress waned or nearly halted. It's possible the test I got may have been underdosed since I never got that 'kick' others have talked about on here. Guess I'll find out when I order a different brand next time.

Main reason for wanting to add into this cycle is to avoid what felt like an unproductive 4 weeks and maximize results during the cycle as a whole.
I like what I'm reading about Epuipoise but it only comes in 25 and 50mg/ml. That's a lot of juice & pinning to get to ~300mg a week.

Anyone out there try PrimoTrex 150 from Concentrex Labs? Price per ml is half that of Schering. I'd considered getting the BD Primo but bad reviews have me thinking otherwise. Can't find much about the PrimoTrex though.

Edit: Looks like I'll pull the trigger on Test E and Primo from PSL. Thanks for the help.
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Welcome fullytorqued looks like you have things all worked out. Add some IGF-1 LR3 in thers and you will blast right through your 8 wk sticking point. After that stick with what works for you is the best advice I can give. Board sponsors are the way to go. Tried & true.
Again welcome to
Funny you mention the IGF-1 LR3, I've been reading those posts for the last hour or so. Sounds like it would be perfect to run starting about week 7 or 8 to finish the cycle with a bang
Funny you mention the IGF-1 LR3, I've been reading those posts for the last hour or so. Sounds like it would be perfect to run starting about week 7 or 8 to finish the cycle with a bang

It best in with cycle and you'll get much more out of your gear and more gains when it's taken alongside entire cycle! It's a game changer