Please help. MC IGF dose

Just to update u guys.

This is my 10th week.
Overall i'm happy with MC IGF. I was skeptical at first.

I'm only using 20mcg/ED & the pumps, fullness & fat lost is much much better than HGH (4iu) + Slin (10iu) in my opinion.
My arms seem to have grown by 1/3 an inch in 10 weeks.
My Bicep/Tricep seems to have peak allot. I'm not sure if its the swelling (from applying)
Will it go away after i stop IGF?

For some strange reason my skin is a clearer, pinkest & radiance.
Quite noticable. My mom the other day was commenting on it.

Thanx for the update!

loved mc's stuff my self, waiting on more right now gonna go for i think 8-10weeks at 50mcg.

i agree better then hgh and cheaper (per what u use per dose)
Hey Ronnie, when you say you are using 20 mcg, does that mean 20 on each side?

Or Presser, maybe you can help me here...typical dose would be to both sides right? Like if I'm applying to shoulders, I'd apply 20 mcg to each shoulder before I went to the gym, right? Or, if I wanted a 20 mcg dose, would I do 10 each side?

I meant 10mcg on each side. So that means 20mcg pre/workout.

I know its little but anything more than that i get so sleepy. I used to take 50mcg but with MC IGF i can't take 50mcg. What can i say 20mcg works really well.

I notice great fat lost, pumps & vascularity. U got to try it.
I meant 10mcg on each side. So that means 20mcg pre/workout.

I know its little but anything more than that i get so sleepy. I used to take 50mcg but with MC IGF i can't take 50mcg. What can i say 20mcg works really well.

I notice great fat lost, pumps & vascularity. U got to try it.

That's awesome! I'm definitely planning on trying some soon to help with a shoulder injury. I'm glad to know that you can get such good results from low doses.
Actually i got the advice from Datstrue & i read Dave palumbo's explaination.
U should check it out. It really makes sense.

Moreover u don't wanna the gut coming out. LOL.
I used to find it very hard to believe less is more for IGF untill i start talking to some people & experiment it myself.

However, other peptides like MGF u can take more.
GHRP-6/CJC1295 the saturation dose is 100mcg. Anytime more will give u diminishing returns.
Good shit, guys! Will be trying this right after Xmas. Ronnie, thanks for your very informative review. I will give it a shot starting at 20 mcg and see what happens. Of course, if it works as advertised I will let you know...
Some of my friends are getting good results from 20mcg/ED. I adviced them to experiment it & they seem to get the same results (pumps, vascularity, fat lost) as i do.

In fact i got some friends from another forum/boards (don't think i should name the forum due to respect of MC) that are experimenting 20mcg/ED.
Thanks, Ronnie. I'm hoping to do a low dosage like that. Do they just apply to whatever muscles they are working that day? Where is it best to apply on non-training days? I need to recover from a shoulder injury and I was thinking that if I used on non-training days, I'd just get an extra application to my shoulder.
To be honest it doesn't matter when u pin IGF1-Lr3 because its systematic/long acting.
U can pin it anytime.

However, if u're using IGF DES were its localized/fast & short acting. I suggess pre/workout.
I'm doing 20mcg/ED IGF Lr3. It has been 3 months & i'm getting good results.

Used to do 50mcg but felt it was doing more harm (receptor degrading) then good.
I never apply it to two different areas like that. I apply whatever dose im using all in one spot right before the gym
Man I have the same problem, but mine comes instantly after I pin. I pin 40mcg/Post workout and I almost immediatley start having a hot flash, and have to lay down on the floor. It subsides after about 30min but still feel very tired rest of day. Maybe I need to try to lower my dose also???
Thanx for the update!

loved mc's stuff my self, waiting on more right now gonna go for i think 8-10weeks at 50mcg.

i agree better then hgh and cheaper (per what u use per dose)

Agree as ive used HGH many times and theres no comparison , and I was just reading this forum and wanted to bump this review up as theres some good info in it!