poor gains on Brovel 200,,,


New member
I thought i would run a cheap cycle of Brovel test 200...
im on my 6th week and only gained 6lbs! and i m not getting any stronger!...

Im eating right, getting rest and i feel like i should be doing better than this..
i stared at 180,,,,im only taking 400mg per week i know this is low but shouldn't i have gained more?
Do you guys think that using a low dosage is the problem?
dont know what to tell ya.....i have completed 2 weeks of my cycle of test cyp and EQ 500cyp/400eq and have gained 8lbs already...could be fat too who knows lol ....but mine is going good.....i have never used brovel so i cant help you with that but your dose at 400 seems to be alright .....did u use anything with it....and how many cycles have you done in the past....need some stats and back ground to really tell what your up against ....good lluck Chewin
i'm on brovel test 200 also. i'm taking 500mg/week. i'm just hitting my 4th week and my weight is up from 208 to 225. i'm also running d-bol though. i dunno if i like brovel though...i hear a lot of shady shit bout em. dunno bro
insulinAL said:
i'm on brovel test 200 also. i'm taking 500mg/week. i'm just hitting my 4th week and my weight is up from 208 to 225. i'm also running d-bol though. i dunno if i like brovel though...i hear a lot of shady shit bout em. dunno bro

Al the D-Bol will be overshadowing the test bro no matter what you were running. Still good gains!
last31 said:
I thought i would run a cheap cycle of Brovel test 200...
im on my 6th week and only gained 6lbs! and i m not getting any stronger!...

Im eating right, getting rest and i feel like i should be doing better than this..
i stared at 180,,,,im only taking 400mg per week i know this is low but shouldn't i have gained more?
Do you guys think that using a low dosage is the problem?

I am with Sully, a lot of unanswered questions here. If you think your shit is fake post some pictures of the bottles so bro's that are familiar with it can help you out there. The other things to consider are diet, lifting regime, rest and lifestyle outside the gym. Juice works but it’s just another tool in the box not the cure all for a failing program.

IMO 400mg/WK of T-200 is too low. Brovel is notorious for being underdosed. I have seen tests where is has been as low as 125mg/ml. Even so when I used it I got good results. I just corrected my dosages accordingly. I was running a corrected dosage of about 450-500mg/wk.

One note on gains from AAS. Some guys get water retention very quick and their weight shoots up. Others jump on the sauce and lift and eat the way they should have been all along without AAS and as a result they blow up large numbers in record time. I personally don’t gain much strength from straight test. D-Bol + test = lots of strength and lots of weight increase. Test + Anadrol = weight and big strength gains. Test + tren = strength but only a little weight. Straight test = some weight and a 24/7 hard-on if the wind blows the wrong way. If I walk away from a cycle and retain 10lbs from it 4-6 weeks after I am off, I am very happy.

Good point post a pic, I had a friend that had really good gains on his first cycle using brovell....help us help you man!
the only time i have ever hooked anyone up was with some brovel t200 and the guy added 30lbs in 8 wks--so i am betting yours is fake or your not eating enough
I think the dosage is to low... I think this because i have gotten NO side effects and i usally break out. I have eaten well and trained well.

i think ill just stop the cycle early and in a few weeks run this cycle:
Dbol 30mg per day for 4 weeks (1-4)
Test enth 500mgs for 8 weeks(1-8)
Fina 75 eod 6 weeks (6-12)

what do you guys think of this?
i ran the fina eod last cycle and did great with strenght.
TAZ said:

Al the D-Bol will be overshadowing the test bro no matter what you were running. Still good gains!

hoy hoy!!! good point bro....you think i should run some fina after i get off dbol????
last31 said:
I think the dosage is to low... I think this because i have gotten NO side effects and i usally break out. I have eaten well and trained well.

i think ill just stop the cycle early and in a few weeks run this cycle:
Dbol 30mg per day for 4 weeks (1-4)
Test enth 500mgs for 8 weeks(1-8)
Fina 75 eod 6 weeks (6-12)

what do you guys think of this?
i ran the fina eod last cycle and did great with strenght.

i'd run the test weeks 1-12