Is it possible that I got suppressed after using sarms?
I’m 22 years old and I’m around 180 lbs and 20% body fat
I’ve been dating my college sweetheart for the past 3 years and we’ve had sex just about every day since we met.
While on sarms I noticed I was not getting the urge as much. Then after my cycle my sex drive has dropped and I don’t really want to do it as much. Does this mean I am suppressed or shut down?
I used ostarine mk2866 50mgs a day and gw501516 20mgs for 25 weeks and I used the forum sponsor.
I’m 22 years old and I’m around 180 lbs and 20% body fat
I’ve been dating my college sweetheart for the past 3 years and we’ve had sex just about every day since we met.
While on sarms I noticed I was not getting the urge as much. Then after my cycle my sex drive has dropped and I don’t really want to do it as much. Does this mean I am suppressed or shut down?
I used ostarine mk2866 50mgs a day and gw501516 20mgs for 25 weeks and I used the forum sponsor.