Post Cycle Therapy


New member
Hey guys. Wanted to know how you think I should run my PCT. I have Clomid 50mg/90ct , Nolvadex 20mg/30ct , HCG 5000 IU. I can obtain more of everything. I've never used the HCG before.

My cycle is thus: DBol 1-5 [30mg] / Deca 1-12 [300mg] / T-Cyp 1-14 [400mg]

Thanks, SirBen187
I just commented on another thread about deca for extended periods of time. That long may shut down the "Mr. Happy". Think about running eq in place of it or splitting it 6 weeks each.
well I'm in week 7 already and I have no EQ, so I'm goin with what I've got. I'm asking how you would do PCT so as to successfully recover from this cycle. BTW, Mr. Happy has been raging out of control for weeks. :)
I have always run clomid @ 100mg/day for 3 weeks. As far as Nolva I never use them PCT or during cycle unless I have gyno problem.
thanks g-rip. I had success with the same regimine last time. Any other opinions or suggestions from experienced users would be awsome.
Start your clomid 2 weeks after you last shot of Test Cyp. My regimine has always been 100mg/day for week one and 50mg/day for 2 more weeks. A total of 28, 50mg tabs. Since you have the Nolvadex, I would run it 20mg/day starting with the clomid. This isn't necessary and is only my opinion though. I've seen a couple of bro's develope gyno after a cycle.
I hate using HCG. I find it so painful to inject wether you doi it IM or Sub-Q. But I have used it half way through when I am on cycle of 3 months or more. Spread it out over the week evenly. 1000iu's per day for 5 days in the middle of a cycle. Usually you need 10000IU's though. Keep it in the fridge after you have mixed it together.
Cool, if I do the HCG I'm going to have to hit it now, but I may pass on it. I'm gonna run the clomid like you do, McG, although I may run the clomid for 4 weeks due to deca...

Another question: I've been using Arimidex with this cycle, when should I halt it? when clomid starts?
I went and saw my doc today. He said a guy my age (23) could take the HCG and that should be sufficient to bring me back. 1000IU/Day for 10. I didn't particularly like how Clomid made me feel last time, I felt like an emotional girl. He's not a body builder though, he's anti-aging/longevity. Any thoughts?
i dont think your doses are high enough to validate using hcg, but for your own happiness if you decide to run it try 500 iu ed weeks tha last 10 days your shots are leaving your system.

some people might think its overboard to run 40mg of nolva along with your regular clomid pct but i think it will definatly show a differnce. good luck bro...MM
Thanks MM. It seems like everyone kinda has their own Post Cycle Regimine that works for them. I just wonder how you're supposed to know you're recovered without a blood test. I guess if your prunes become grapes again and you feel alright... I would just hate to be catabolic for any longer than I need to.
I fyou are running Arimidex, then don't waste your Nolvadex. It is not needed. But run the Arimidex aslong as your clomid.
Jump on creatine and glutamine 1 week after your last Test shot.
Clenbuterol alternating every other week with Ephedrine will help with cortisol levels in your body which is really high during PCT. Cortisol breaks down that hard earned muscle you just put on. Use the clen at a dose around 40-60mcg/day spread out and Ephedrine at 25mg 3 times per day. (not during clen week).
This is the majority of my PCT.
sirben187 said:
I went and saw my doc today. He said a guy my age (23) could take the HCG and that should be sufficient to bring me back. 1000IU/Day for 10. I didn't particularly like how Clomid made me feel last time, I felt like an emotional girl. He's not a body builder though, he's anti-aging/longevity. Any thoughts?

Ask your Doc how many cycles he has done.
SOME people use only HCG for their PCT. If you don't like the clmid, use the nolva for 4 weeks at 60mg,40mg, 20mg, 20mg.