post cycle update: Man, I just don't feel like working out

This is entirely off the subject, but Cyber your new avatar gives me the creeps . Feel like someone's wathing me .
Taz30 said:
Cyber your new avatar gives me the creeps . Feel like someone's wathing me .

Yeah I had that feeling too when I saw it at first!! That's why I choose it!

I'll change it tomorrow, but because I feel so blue (that's what this thread is about) I'm havin' trouble deciding on the new one! Maybe I'll post 'm all and make a poll. That will keep you all away from utter boredom on a sunday! :D
Shoot, it's perfectly normal.

When i hit clomid, i can't get motivated to do shit. This summer has been pretty rough on my as far as personal stuff going on, and i haven't worked out the past 2 months that hard at all....

But it's all about sticking with it. If you need to, take a little break from it and hit it up hard when you come back. It's normal to get burned out with something after a while, it happens.

There is more to life than working out/BB unless you're pro. Just realize the priorities of your life, and exactly what working out means to you.

I realize it's the greatest thing ever, since it helps my self esteem a ton, and it's something i can feel good about. School comes easy for me, so i don't really think that's all that great, but working out i have to bust my ass for all the time, and it definately pays off.

Oh yeah, just get some hot ass, that always makes me feel better :D
Old fashioned remedy:
A box of toblerone dark chocolate: $8.00
A bottle of Suave hair conditioner: $2.00
Your favorite porno: $4.50 per day rental
Getting over post cycle depression: Priceless
kossdeh said:
BTW how did the primo/ethanate cycle end up. Saw your pics. Got any finals?

Nah I haven't got any pics. They wouldn’t be impressive anyway. I haven’t kept stats either.

I got quite fat actually. Mainly on my belly... the other areas have remained the same or have even lost fat, curiously enough.

I also gained a ‘decent’ amount of muscle. Nothing impressive though. But people can tell so Its ok. Muscles mainly became fuller and harder and not so much bigger.

Strength has almost doubled. Remember I was just starting out again after a years break, so that has to be taken into account off course. If I can keep my strength levels up I'd be very happy. I think I can grow ever further off cycle now, if I have the discipline to keep workin’ out.

Cycle was kind off a mess though, but that's a long story. I‘m sure I’m ever gonna do this cycle again.

I'm now fully working on my fall bulking cycle. Stuff is planned out and I'm now working on my exercise routines, and after that I'll start on my eating plan. Hope I find someone who can take pics by then.