Post Injection soreness?


New member
Injecting about 1.5CC of Test P and 1CC of Tren using a 23g needle.

Ive only injected in my glutes to keep soreness down... but even in my glutes this stuff is sore as hell. I didnt move the needle much and I massaged the area right after. Im thinking perhaps a hot shower may help as well.

Problem here is that I only have 1 ass... is there any problem if I continued to do my shots in my glutes and rotated them?

Or should I start looking at my delts? Im actually fearing this soreness to be anywhere on the upper half of my body lol
Test prop is famous for making people sore. You can warm it up to help ease it or next time buy a 'painless' version. You could rotate to your delts, but you may get sore there as well. You could also use a 25g pin.
those two compounds leave for a pincushion body and soreness galore.. lol..

quads are always an option if you need to keep it lower half of your body, but be warned, even some 'painless' compounds in the quads leave ya sore for a few days.. i'm trying not to limp in front of co-workes myself.. lol ...
I would def go to injecting with a 25g. i just did the same thing you're doing and used at 25g and my glutes barely got sore. I rotated to the other glute after about 4 weeks and never had to use my delts. HOWEVER, if both glutes conitually get sore and start to hurt you should move to your delts ( or any where else you feel comforatble) To avoid getting an infection and an abcess. Never had one but ive heard they hurt like hell! Good luck to you.
Presser said:
lol, stick to the glutes are u doing ed or eod shots?

EOD shots
Think I should just keep rotating my glutes? Aint that gona cause a heck of a lot of scar tissue build up?
Flav said:
EOD shots
Think I should just keep rotating my glutes? Aint that gona cause a heck of a lot of scar tissue build up?

it will cause a little scar tissue but if you massage them after your shot you should be able to keep it manageable.
F*** glute injections. stick it in your shoulder. much easier to reach. id rather have my shoulder sore than my ass. IMO of course.......
I haven't injected in the ass in about 3 years. All my injections are in the delts(front, side, rear) and arms (bi's and tri's). I tried trap injections on Sunday- not as painful as I thought it would be. There is always some soreness but you deal with it and move on.
All my shots have been prop shots, so I don't know what shit feels like. Once I get out of the military I won't worry about bloat so much, and will go with some nice long esters. Oh and some Tren too! I hear so many good stories about that shit.
teedubgee said:
All my shots have been prop shots, so I don't know what shit feels like. Once I get out of the military I won't worry about bloat so much, and will go with some nice long esters. Oh and some Tren too! I hear so many good stories about that shit.

i dont believe prop bloats less than cyp or enanthate. Test is test.

and you can use and AI to help as well. I just know, IMO, anything beats EOD shots. Especially trying to hide them.
I hear some people claim they bloat less with Prop but I've heard the opposite as well so I think it's probably person to person.

I agree a little bloat wouldn't get me to be shooting that painful shit EOD