Prescription Nutrition Rep


National Strongman Competitor
Just wanted to give you guys all a heads up on here.

I have agreed to work as a REP for PN on all the forums in addition to being a Sponsored Athlete. I love the PN line and stand by Mike and his company so for me this was a no-brainer.

I have been answering alot of basic questions that many members have so it makes alot more sense since I am here at least once daily.

If you guys have any questions, concerns, ordering issues, you name it regarding PN products, please feel free to message me Privately. I do read the forum daily but I would prefer a private message over a basic post so that way I do not miss answering any important questions. I will be sure to be here 1-2x daily, so I should have any questions you have answered very quickly.

Thank You Everyone :)
That's awesome man. It is always nice to catch a sponsorship, that's a huge honor and couldn't have happened to a better person
Thank you guys all so much for the kind words..Means the most from my MC family bc I know you guys are sincerely happy for me..Thank you :) If I can be of any help in any regards, as always please don't hesitate to ask.

Hey Cobra, sorry man, the Pro Gear was supposed to be up last night, but I spoke to Mike and he got delayed and just today Tuesday, he said he is working on it as I am typing this.

But he has enough capped and bottled that it is ready to go.

Also, don't forget the 5 for 160 plus shipping deal...which is a steal. DMZ 2.0 is now going for 60-70 dollars a bottle on Amazon/BL site..the price has jumped alot now that it got such good reviews.

- - - Updated - - -

Can pass it to the higher ups that the people want Nutella flavored whey :) lol

Will do LOL..

Not sure if you like Blueberry..but if you do, you have to try his Blueberry Muffin ProBlend...

I mix it like this
-24 oz milk
-1/2 cup ice
-1 dannon blueberry yogurt
-2 scoops of Blueberry Muffin ProBlend by PN
-1 scoop vanilla ice crea

It is unbelieveable. Tastes like a shake from Sonic (fast food place) or RAX if you guys know those two place. Probably is my favorite of all his flavors.
Yeah I've been tempted to try the blueberry a lot. Honestly the best flavor I tasted was the Mango! That was awesome, made all kinda of fruit smoothies for my wife.

I'm hooked on the natural chocolate now and finally just ordered the Hydro Pro so I'm excited to try it.
i like PN all the stuff ive tried has been good quality and the taste of protein has been pretty good besides this last batch of chocolate whey i got it taste nasty and im not one who cares about taste with supplements but this is probably the worst tasting stuff ever. i dont know what happened to it but i had to throw 2 lbs away. im not asking for refund or anything just want to keep it real and yes i will order again when i get done with this GNC hydroslate i got for 75% off. what i would like to see again from PN is that Aussie Casein

oh yea congrats wesley i will be messaging you