Prez pics

ya know..that is what everyone tells me but i guess i am a little leary of loosing weight ...i have worked very hard to get to were i am at today ....i just dont want to loose it and mayb not get it back....but we will c...i would like to do it just to try it ....sorry if the leg post came off cocky...but i am not...just being honest
dedprez* said:
ya know..that is what everyone tells me but i guess i am a little leary of loosing weight ...i have worked very hard to get to were i am at today ....i just dont want to loose it and mayb not get it back....but we will c...i would like to do it just to try it ....sorry if the leg post came off cocky...but i am not...just being honest

I wouldn't worry about that - after dieting, you are in such a freaking anabolic state it's not even funny. I started dieting at ~223. Got to 191. 2 weeks post show, after I'd lost the water (I'd gotten up to the low 230's within a week after the show) I was ~210. Less than 6 weeks later I was 233 and much stronger than at any point before! And a lot leaner than when I started dieting originally.
Looking good i can tell you put a lot of effort into working out and becoming stronger .Good wrok keep it up and hmmmmmmmm just on tincy wincy point of crtisism LOSE THE SHORTS lol they look terrible but besides that you are looking very big and defined :P
Bestquads said:
LOSE THE SHORTS lol they look terrible :P

hmmm...i thought these would be better... guess not... last time Presser got all excited when i wore boxer briefs and i didnt want the complications of that again :rolleyes:
You look great as usual you damm freak:D Now suck it up and pic a show dial it in and do it. As presser tells you " It will make you feel good" haha. You can see that you have put on thickness for sure bro. Great job.