primo cutting stack with test Prop


New member
what do you think about doing testosterone propionate with primobolan?
The testosterone dosage I was thinking is 50 milligrams every other day and then I would do Primo around 500 milligrams per week.
Total cycle of 12 weeks do you think this would be a crazy amount of pinning or do you think I’d be cool doing it?
My stats are six foot tall 185 pounds and I would like lean muscle mass
what do you think about doing testosterone propionate with primobolan?
The testosterone dosage I was thinking is 50 milligrams every other day and then I would do Primo around 500 milligrams per week.
Total cycle of 12 weeks do you think this would be a crazy amount of pinning or do you think I’d be cool doing it?
My stats are six foot tall 185 pounds and I would like lean muscle mass
primo is with test enan
same esters
prop is a waste with primo

10 weeks 300mgs each primo test
I like this suggestions above but I would focus more on dosing you should be doing 300 milligrams of each per week