primo tabs


has anyone messed with these primo tabs? have seen them at 50mg a tab so being an oral how long will this stay in the system. never messed with it, but once smiley gets her body fat down she wants to run something, and have no idea how long this will stay in the system or how many she is going to need? wanted her to do 100mg of primo injectable, but seen these primo tabs and thoght that those might be a little easier for her first cycle. i am only going to have her run one compound this first go around any input will be helpfull.
i have taken tabs before and they were pretty good
i used the BD ones, they are not longer but they were effective
so is it like the injections and u only need 2 tabs a week or does she need to take it every day how would she dose this?
so is it like the injections and u only need 2 tabs a week or does she need to take it every day how would she dose this?

well 2 tabs would only equal 1 shot so depending on what dose you are giving her.

i would do 200mg per week for a female
I had really good experience with Primo tabs myself and I know an Ex who tried them as well and got great results. I'll ask her for details and see what she says