Primo : Who has done it


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
and at what doses could you do for results, you think 100 a week on top of a cyc would be ok?
and at what doses could you do for results, you think 100 a week on top of a cyc would be ok?

Never used it bro, but from what i have read from others posting their cycles, i believe you wont even notice or feel anything from just 100mg a week especialy if ur already on a cycle.

I honestly do not think you would feel much from 100mg a week of primo even if thats the only compound you were on, but thats just my opinion as i never used it before, and also thought it was mostly a drug for contest prep mostly?
I like it bc its supposed to keep you healthy to by boosting your immune system, I need that shit for school!
i think its expensive to use bec have to be higher dosed and used long like eq to get best results.
I would fckn love to run primo!!!! Heard nothing but good things.