Primobolan versus winstrol


New member
Hi all,

Those who know me know I am a big booster of primobolan. I feel it superior to winstrol in every possible way except for (a) cost and (b) feeling like you are on gear.

Even (b) is a questionable benifit, because on primo you don't "feel" like you are on gear, you just perform, grow, and endure like you are on gear.

I have already made a whole bunch of points about why I like primo and dislike winstrol. I won't bore everyone by re-iterating them.

I just wanted to start this thread to attract some attention to primo. I figure people start using it more often, sources will start carrying it, and I won't have to keep ordering the shit from Europe!

Winstrol is BAD for you. Much badder than you think. Especially for people who enjoy being helathy and remaining alive.

I have never ever heard of anyone having anything other than positive experiences with primobolan (in an effective dose of course).

So stay off the winnie, and let's raise our 22 gauge needles in a salute to the world's classiest, healthiest, and most flexible steroid:

Primobolan Depot!
Well we all allready knew that primo was your thing. But do you know what is realy desinged for... and what it can do to ya?
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i luv primo too! got excellent results at 300mg per week..but it was my first cycle at age 40! gained 8 bolid lbs in 12 weeks..with better cuts! plus no anti-estrogens but i do use clomid at the end of cycle..and no sexual sides, except longer to cum!! she like that! Bro, did you ever stack primo before?
I think primo is the best for muscle preservation while cutting second only to GH. As for gaining size you don't get a lot of mass compared to some other AS but it is high quality muscle that you get and keep. I would say that some people who have had bad experiences with it either had bunk shit or didn't use enough. The downside to primo for sure is the price but it's still worth it imo.
CS, see my posts for man boobies and the one about endurance atheletes. There's an exhaustive amount of information bout primo in there. I hope that helps!

this is cool realcool! everytime you see post re primo on other forums, guys get blasted or talked outa using it with the excuse that its not strong enough. Its not, if youre going to want to add 20 lbs, but its nice if you want to lean out what you got and keep the goods. I like this stuff, keep it up. My 30 amps of primo are glistening in the sunlight calling me to them. I almost want to cut my cylce short and jump ship now.
Yeah, I hated those other forums. The advice on them is extreme and without any scientific foundation.

I am sure that one could make really good gains with primo as long as it was stacked with a TVD or prop.

It is quality stuff, hard to find, and best used only for specific circumstances. But if you know the drug and its limitations--and how it compares to winstrol--well, it's worth it's weight in gold.

I am drooling thinking about your glistening 30 amps. I wish they had primo commercials, like beer commercials--scantily clad hard-bodied women cracking open amps and rubbing themselves down with that golden oil--in the warmCalifornia sun.

Gentlemen, to the champagne steroids!

Hey bro,

Glad you are speaking out for Primo, but why did you tear into Winny so badly? I believe you that winny is worse than most people think, mostly on the liver (pill form clearly), but how else do you feel it is so bad?

Winnie kills your joints and hardens your arteries terribly.

Winnie raises bad cholestrol through the roof.

This single biggest problem with winnie is that it is commonly reccomended for things it is actually quite bad for.

Winnie causes insomnia during the duration of its theraputic administration.

Winnie's only real good application is for bodybuilders going into a contest who have poor cardio. They rely on winnie to get their red blood cell count up so that they can endure a lot of cardio.

Also, winnie is a hardener. It makes you look and feel hard--great for a contest. Not good for athletes--which are the people who usually use it.

As an athelete you need maximum range of motion and flexiblity. Winnie cuts down on ROM and tightens tendons! Plus, your joints will ache.

Liver issues are really the least of anyone's concerns with winnie. Yes, it is tough on the liver--but all roids are to one extent or another.

Again, winnie is not evil. It just has very few benificial applications outside of a pre-contest cutting phase. It is NOT particularly good as an anti-catabolic. People just think it is because they are harder and more pumped.

Unless you are a pre-contest bodybuilder don't use winnie. It will do much more harm than good. Especially for atheletes and PARTICULARLY high intensity atheletes (such as hockey and basketball players) and endurance athletes (tri-atheletes)

I hope that helps

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