Pro-hormones vs. Oral Steroids


New member
Stats: 28y/o, 5'9", 205lbs, 11%bf. Training for 10 years. Currently off cycle.
My question is, would it be worth using a pro-hormone, such as methyl-D, for 4 weeks vs. using an oral steroid such as winsitrol?
I ask this because from everything I've read about an oral alone cycle, most gains aren't kept from it. If this is true with an oral alone steroid, would a pro-hormone be any different? Or would it be worth while to stack an oral such as winsitrol with a pro-hormone like methyl-D??

Bottom line question: Would there be any benefit of me taking methyl-D for 4 weeks while I'm off, or would it be better to wait for my next cycle?
i personally love methyl 1 test. i like it better than dbol because i don't get the side effects i get while on dbol...bloated, nose bleeds, back pain ect. i've never used methyl d, and don't know if it inhibits natural test production.
I can't say for regular oral steroids, but I have used methyl-d with very good results--increased strength and hardness. I like flexmaster also love M1T though I do get somewhat of a back ache with it, I have also had great results from it. Most others who have tried these compounds have reported that they do inhibit natural test production to some degree.
I would run m1t. I am currently on my last week of a 4 week cycle going from 10mgs weeks1 to 20 mgs 2-4 with 6 days left. I have noticed major gains. I have had some back ache but not bad. MY waist has shrunk around 2 inches and each of my body parts has increased near an inch. Arms are up about .75 of an inch. They have however tightened up a lot and I have dropped some fat on them which may mean also in muscle size near an inch gain. It does suppress natural test production though. My twins are slightly smaller, not really shrunk. Just my 2 cents bro.
Go with the Methyl 1-test make sure you read up on it though. I am on my last few weeks of a six week cycle and i run it about 30 mg ed...

I have had no sides (other than the little ones shrinking) and everything is going well.

I started at 225-220 pounds i now weigh 245 pounds BF is the same as when i started. I also run some GH (ph) with it from Schwartz...and some 4-ad....things have been going very nice

My log is on check it out if you want...PM me if you need anything...i have been using M1T for about a year now off and on
The methyls are steroids...they a not precursers such as 4 ad,andros ect....your basically talking about legal loophole vs. illegal for the time being (with the ban comming).
M1 t is probably the most radical of them all, best stacked with 4 ad..side can be sticky though.
Mohn is a milder but a nice deca type methyl
M5 aa is a more of a masterone type of methyl..DHT.good for hardness and you a mental boost when it come to workout time.
M-d...doesn't really seem worth it. is probably the best place for case studies

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I took 1-ad for a solid 6 months back when I didnt know shit about shit. I was taking about 900mg a day. after awhile I didnt think it was working until I went off the stuff. I quickly lost muscle weight and my fat content skyrocketed, I presume from estrogen being the dominent hormone after coming off the 1AD. for side effect I would get acne pretty bad on my back and red, itchy splotches under my eyes. Oh! also the amount of weight I was able to heave at the gym dramatically went down also. But the way it made me feel in the gym and the pumps I would get were awesome. Felt like I could throw dumbells threw the walls.
yeah definately need to get your stock pile gathered up because the roid head is getting stepped on. If it works then its illegal
I know some people will scream and yell but my opinion is prohormones are a waste of money and always a weak sister to the real thing. generally abombs and dbol and winny kick prohormones' butt -- if the prohormone works at all. this is why many prohormones try names that sound like roids.

the real laugher is that usually the dbol and other oral roids are way cheaper.

If you're not natural, you're not natural. Using prohormones doesn't make you any more natural than those who use roids. So, my opinion, and this only my opinion, is that if you're going to do something; do it right.
Yeah sundevil is right on most those points, I have gotten some good gains off M1T but most the prohormones dont seem to do anything for me, or I research them down and find the convert to crap and are useless. I do think their are advantages to stacking some prohormones and real gear though,I'm definately throwing in M1T into my bulking stacks.
thanks to all who have responded what I was looking for is to know while I was "off" could I used methyl-D to get a boost inbetween cycles

but I will not use and pro-hormones I have been on the "dark side" for some time now and I will stick with what works best for me

thanks to all