problem with chest.


New member
hi guys, i have been on 3 cycles, and have added 20kgs to his frame for the last 8mths.
every part of mine body seem to be growing except my chest.
they look rather short and flat.especially from the front.
my current routine is
bench 3 x 6
incline bench 3x8
decline db press 3x8
flyes 2 x 8

I bet your arm's are huge, right?

Try taking your thumbs off the bar. This will isolate your chest a little more and take some stress off the triceps.
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I don't think there's a problem with your routine as much as it is genetic. Try lowering the weight and doing slower reps to feel the pecs working. I used to do that same routine you mentioned above and my chest is my best bodypart. Wish my shoulders and arms would grow...
I am in your same situation. Its always been that way. I think it may be due to using too much weight and having to use your arms more to lift the weight. Try less weight where you can really feel it in your pecs.
and start with the incline. your upper chest can never be too big.
sounds like you might be shoulder dominant. grab the 20 pound db's, slide all the way off the bench, until just you upperback is on it, then kinda sit on your heels arching your back and learn how to press with your chest.
thanks for your help guys.
but my chest looks rather short and narrow.
my abs are way bulging out of my shirt instead of my chest man.
did flies today,
but was unable to continue my routine due to an injury on the tendon at my left shoulder.
DB006 said:
sounds like you might be shoulder dominant. grab the 20 pound db's, slide all the way off the bench, until just you upperback is on it, then kinda sit on your heels arching your back and learn how to press with your chest.

What a great idea... I have tried everything over 25 years and my chest is the weakest link. It looks better but it is not impressive.. I like that idea of siting on your heals with just your upperback on the bench.. I am going to try this after my chest routine as a finishing excercise first and see how it goes for a few weeks then try it at the beginning and see if I feel a difference..

My chest routine I do that has yielded me better results looks like this:
Flat Bench 3 sets warm up 12-reps 1 set of 4-6 reps
Incline Bench 3 sets warm up 12 reps 1 set 4-6 reps
Dips 1 set weighted to failure,15-20 reps. Next workout heavy lbs 8-12 reps
1 set dumbells flyes to failure. next workout heavy lbs 8-12 reps.

Genetics suck for chest but I have great arms and shoulders so technique probley could be better.. I strive to feel the muscle and feel the weight instead of just push and move the weight.. can't wait to try this new idea.

Thank you for the post and the ideas...

talkin about genetic, my chest were one of my strongest body part when i was around 15-16 yrs old.
stopped training for 3yrs untill now.
Tts why some how i'm really in doubt.
are the muscles damaged or overworked during the past.
maybe at most.... i should get some syntherol to aid my dismay.
Here is a thought. I do three sets of reagular barbell bench, two sets of incline, both slow and steady. I also will do a set of flys. But no more than that. So, maybe you are doing TOO MUCH. I also do a three way split, so I have plenty of reast in between. I will usually overwork muscles when I am concerned about getting enough development. And while I am in my 40's (and probably need more recovery), I am always on.
the wt on my bench is increasing, frm a 1rm of 70kgs last december n i can do a 1rm of 115kgs currently.the circumference of my ribcage have increased by about 6inches so far,but chest still isnt poppin!!!!!!

Judging from your routine and the way you describe your current "look," I would do what DB006 suggested. I've always been in the same boat--chest doesn't want to grow like everything else. I have had to concentrate on my chest, feeling the way they contract--essentially figuring out the long way that I needed to learn how to press with the chest. Once you get this down, your chest should start catching up. I know mine is.
and try machines. They are better sometimes for isolation. Everyone says compound movements are best and they are....for targeting MORE than one muscle.
The only 2 exercises I do for chest are Bench Press and Incline Press...both barbell.
I like all the replies here but there's one thing I would challenge you to try and that's starting with flyes. Bench is great for power but it's not great for building large pecs. You're tiring yourself out with all of the other work first so by the time you get to flyes you don't have the strength to use heavy weight....
I've heard many different things, but you have to find what works for you. Personally, I do decline and incline presses, barbell and dumbell (I usually alternate days) because that's what I need to do to develop those muscles. I throw flat bench in there from time to time, but overall, the other two have built more mass for me than flat bench.
so issit necessery to flies at all 3 different angle?
do i have to go heavy,
n wat are the recommended rep and set range