Problems typing here???

Theres got to be a logical reason for these issues. I think people with slower internet connections and less powerful cpus or have cookies disabled or have internet security set to high might have issues. Could be anyone of these or a combo of 2 or 3. Or if you are running a new version of a browser/addon/toolbar/security etc.

What OS are you running Iron? What IE version are your running? Is your flash player up to date?

Okay, bare with me because Im not that computer savvy. As long as my internet is fast and I can logon for my courses Im golden (in my opinion). As far as IE its version 10, my flash I would assume is up to date. OS? WTF is OS? lol
OS is your operating system windows 7 vista etc. IE 10 is probably messing you up. Or you need to update your flash player from adobe. I'd download ie 9 and a compatible flash player for ie9. Then uninstall ie 10 and any google chrome or toolbar. Then restart your computer and install ie9 and the flash player. Lots of people are having problems with ie10. Here is an example of someone else having issues just with a 1 minute search.

Internet Explorer has typing lag in flash games, and it is the only browser that has it. on Internet Explorer 10 absolutely lags.. & it is not the game developers fault.. they have no idea whats wrong. This game performs better on any other browser. The thing is, everytime you type in a message on the game it doesn't register the keys, and it is a FLASH game. I tested this out in Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome. I prefer to use Google Chrome now, and thats probably why a lot of users prefer Chrome and Firefox over IE. I love IE 10 and I wish I could use it to play my flash games, but sadly I can not because it has all these typing issues where it doesnt register what I type in on my keyboard.
Hey I wont doubt its probably My shitty wireless internet, but, it only happens here not the other 5 boards I'm also on
Hey I wont doubt its probably My shitty wireless internet, but, it only happens here not the other 5 boards I'm also on

That's another good point. Try using a wired connection and see if you still get the lagg. Could be a combo of ie10, this board, your wireless card etc.
We have a lot of banners in forums and posts which probably contribute to lag time on slower connections and computers
i think we also need a bigger dedicated server, were on our own dedicated server now but i think we need to upgrade to a new server with more memory cause every time our who's online reaches 22k or 23k our server slows down a bit to from the load. I just booted some people off and server got faster lol,
OS is your operating system windows 7 vista etc. IE 10 is probably messing you up. Or you need to update your flash player from adobe. I'd download ie 9 and a compatible flash player for ie9. Then uninstall ie 10 and any google chrome or toolbar. Then restart your computer and install ie9 and the flash player. Lots of people are having problems with ie10. Here is an example of someone else having issues just with a 1 minute search.

I just realized what it was a min ago. Figures windows 7 and ie19 are complete garbage.
for the record ive got crap internet..but running a sony vaio on firefox..all is good on this side of the pond..must be some foreign crap going around over the pond
no really i rate firefox give it a is crap..has been for a is better..try firefox..u will never go back.
now your just starting to get creepy lmao lol.....i think not young man mearly stating a fact...i believe it been u who have been following this young lady around post by post..waiting for the right moment to pounce..them when u have lulled her in to a false sense of security sure there has been 3 or 4 posts by u mr presser in different threads asking for pics..MMMmmmmmm....dont try and wave the poison my way i see what u are trying to do lol.....i think not young man mearly stating a fact...i believe it been u who have been following this young lady around post by post..waiting for the right moment to pounce..them when u have lulled her in to a false sense of security sure there has been 3 or 4 posts by u mr presser in different threads asking for pics..MMMmmmmmm....dont try and wave the poison my way i see what u are trying to do

lmao, wowy! I hit a sore spot with ya i see lol, Bro get your kicks however ya like, I'm not here to judge ya! lol
narr bro u got me wrong i was just taking the piss..just passing the night away with a bit of banter is all..i was trying to be funny..hell i was laughing writing it..bloody english humour i guess..lost on these lot i is..
lol, i know you were "just taking the piss" which I'm assuming means kidding around, and it was quite funny for a brit anyhow, i mean you guys did have Benny hill so i guess its in the blood lol