Prohormone advice


New member
I've been toying with the idea of starting a pro-hormone cycle but I have found very little information on the female pov. I thought it would be best to ask you guys since I trust your opinion.

The main concern of mine is getting a solid pure product. I've read some disheartening things about pro-hormones. From what I understand cheap clones and knock off products out there have been well known to not always be pure. If I was a guy I wouldn't have a problem with some Epi converting to DMT, but that's not the case. Ive also read mixed reviews on peoples opinions on if they even work compared to gear... I will say what made this idea attractive was the legality of it. I just moved and I dont want to go through all the bogus shit again if I can.

I found one decent article that helped. Of the few mentioned I was willing to consider these because of their "low androgenic" qualities. I want to know your personal experience with any of these: How it went/results and where the best place to purchase a solid brand? I don't want to go into this uneducated and ignorant. Oh and keep in mind this is for a female body!!!

The main one is was interested in was

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Katanadol[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]- [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]From what I understand it runs like Winistrol (which Ive had good results in the past with). Also the fact that it doesn't aromatize and is not estrogenic.

the other was
[/FONT]Methylepitiostanol or Methepitiostane-[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Specifically the brands Epi-strong/ Epistane. The info on this one was a little all over the place, but from what I understand this came highly recommended for female gains.
[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
These are just a few that caught my interest from all I've read. Please feel free to suggest anything!! This is defiantly an unexplored territory for me.

I could name my first born son havoc (epistane). The stuff is incredible. I don't believe that it converts to phera plex, however, I do know that it has progesterone activity. The PP conversion is hotly debated and nobody really knows - even Pat Arnold said that he had co clue. That said, I've run tons of it and when I think of steroids, I think of high dose havoc. For me, nothing is a stronger combination of strength, mass, intensity, and hardness. For an oral, it also feels pretty clean.
I have seen dozens of ladies run Halodrol at 25-30 mg daily with good results. I love IronMagLabs Halo Extreme but I may be viewed as biased since I'm their lead rep.
bump for the question above?...purus labs always had legit PH so did Competitive edge labs ive heard great things about iron mag labs and black lion im not into PH like i used to be so i dont know what actually works from experience that is new out right now

- - - Updated - - -

Are there any good PH anymore since the PH ban from jan of 2009 i think
To the OP, if you're still interested in trying Epi Prescription Nutrition a site sponsor here carries their version of it. If I remember correctly someone here beta tested it and was very pleased with it. It's dosed at 15mg's per capsule instead of the normal 20 but that might be better for you anyway.