Prohormones and AAS...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Do you think it is a waste of money to take prohormones if you can take the real thing? Being how a lot of them mimic AAS, you'd think you'd just take the real thing instead of the prohormones, but I wasn't sure if this was the case. I've heard mixed reviews on this way of thinking because of the toxicity of the prohormones. OR better yet, would you take them while you're on a cycle?
I would keep it legal if possible! But theirs only a couple good pro hormones out there . But I would stick to an hrt script whenever possible
Most of the 'prohormones' that have been sold since about 2002 are not actually prohormones at all, but rather they are designer steroids. When the DEA listed androstenedione, 19nor-dione, etc, They encompassed MOST precursor molecules(prohormones). However, they didn't name every possible steroid(which are active in and of theirself... they don't need to be metabolized in order to have an anabolic effect... thus, they are steroids, not prohormones), so supplement companies basically went through old medical journals, lists of anabolic steroid molecules that had not been used medically(or studied for use... ), so the compounds weren't 'listed' as an anabolic steroid under the DEA schedule narcotics list... So, they called them 'prohormones' and sold them.
Examples of these compounds are:

These are all designer steroids, not prohormones(because they are active anabolic compounds, not precursors). Many of them are HIGHLY effective, and most of them tend to be rather toxic... Hence the reason they were not patented and used medically in the past when the structure was originally 'discovered', because there were others that would serve the medical purposes desired without the level of toxicity, other side effects. BUT, they weren't typically looking for mass builders or performance enhancement(they were looking for aas that could be used for anemia, etc...), so some of the ones we know are EXCELLENT mass builders(superdrol, m1t) were just 'left in the books' til the last 10yrs or so...
That's a good point. I never thought of it like that. But I do agree there are a few good pro hormones or designer steroids that are good. If you can keep some of your supplements legal then that is always a plus!
I thought about getting some to add in on a cycle, but didn't know if it'd yield similar results
I would say that pharma grade m1t and superdrol are by far the best bulkers I have ever run!!! I HATE water retention, but it's hard to find good gaining bulkers that don't make you either feel like shit, or make you hold a ton of water! superdrol and m1t, both, are excellent, fairly dry gainers!! I gained 17lbs(that I didn't lose an ounce of afterwards) off my first run of superdrol(used as2's), and I gained about the same from the m1t(as2's). I would say the superdrol, I liked better.. simply because it made my joints feel AWESOME!!! NO PAIN whatsoever, in my knees!!!
both of them are VERY potent! 20mg/day for 2-3 weeks is about all you want to do in a run of it....
I would say that pharma grade m1t and superdrol are by far the best bulkers I have ever run!!! I HATE water retention, but it's hard to find good gaining bulkers that don't make you either feel like shit, or make you hold a ton of water! superdrol and m1t, both, are excellent, fairly dry gainers!! I gained 17lbs(that I didn't lose an ounce of afterwards) off my first run of superdrol(used as2's), and I gained about the same from the m1t(as2's). I would say the superdrol, I liked better.. simply because it made my joints feel AWESOME!!! NO PAIN whatsoever, in my knees!!!
both of them are VERY potent! 20mg/day for 2-3 weeks is about all you want to do in a run of it....

What was you size/previous aas experience prior to running SD?
M1-T and DMZ is a good way to kick start a AAS cycle....running it for about 4 weeks then let your gear shift into over drive.......avoiding the puffy watery look.
M1-T and DMZ is a good way to kick start a AAS cycle....running it for about 4 weeks then let your gear shift into over drive.......avoiding the puffy watery look.

That is something I could do right now. I have some DMZ on hand that I've been holding on to, but might consider throwing it in next week