proline gear, who has used???

Great quality gear. Used the winny, suspension, prop, and planning on using the 250mg/ml enanthate very soon. However I have great results with his gear but i would love to see the lab results on it. I know a guy over on elite was talking about having it done soon. Also, if anyone has personal experiences with the 250mg/ml enanthate please post them.
I've heard nothing but good things about it. He has a real good following. Someone on another board tested it the old fashion way. He did a cycle and reported his results they were real good if i can remember and he also said it was painless.

anyone else used it... just got some ProTren and was wondering about it...
100 mg and 20cc's

Used separately and used a cocktail of things from Proline and gained what was expected and some times more. But he is so backed up it is hard to get through to him.
more replies??? anyone??? it has a weird smell to it, and is mixed in cottonseed oil...

Who cares if it is cottenseed oil. Bottom line IT WORKS!! and be lucky to have it becuase there are some of us that can't even get to him right now.
Did some checking and it seems Proline has gone south. They are not answering emails, key email account has been closed and a redirected email brings no response.

I have heard that several users reported receiving bunk, after reported usage no effects or gains at all occurred.

Becareful, I know they were on top of their game before but???
I am also hearing bad things about proline, I think there is also another board where they actually have a lab test done on there primobolan where it came up with no primo at all. Don't they go by RSOC,red star of china, now. I think it was posted on bb4life.
I used Proline before it was officially proline and it was not a good experience. Unprofessional, always giving me the run around about when it was shipped, etc. The product was also sub-par (to say the least). Wasn't pleased and never bothered with them (him) again.
jshoty said:
who's used this stuff before and what did u think. thanks!

used it in my last two cycles, good stuff... but recently i heard he is not responding to emails or somethin... so i'd suggest not ordering from him, there are plenty of other alternatives