Prop pain and why?


New member
Okay if prop has such a short half life, usually 24-48 hrs right? So if that is true why is it that my MF'ing butt cheek is killing me for the 4th day in a row!!!! I just figured the inject would have ran its course doesnt hurt the first or really even the second days.....just 3 and 4......and maybe 5,6,7!!! dunno yet lol!
Are we talking homemade or bought ready-to-go? What is it made with and how much are you injecting? For example, if it has BA in it and you are injecting a lot, that can understandably give you a lot of pain. I used to get the same kind of pain from shots of test butt cheek would be so sore that I couldn't sleep on that particular side, and that would last for a week. I'd say it isn't the prop that is causing the pain but the substance vehicle that is carrying it.
High BA content and the substance crystallizing will cause pain. BTW, the half-life of a particular substance has nothing to do with how long the pain will last from injection. The high BA will cause swelling and damage to the area injected which sometimes will heal in a couple days or sometimes 3 or 4 days. It's all dependent on how much damage is done to the area.
yeah i know what your saying, but i am just wondering if that amount of BA can stay in the muscle and aggrivate it for that long. I am doing 1.5 ml of 150mg EOD, so its not alot at all and i was thinking with a fast acting test it would just maybe run its course a little longer, since the BA is the transportation method.....i hate fucking UG GEAR!!! But me likey the prices
Bro its high Ba like everyone else said. Alot of UG don't care how it feels, its easier to make it with high ba then to mess with ba and bb ratios that would yeild less pain
it's the crystallization of the esther, even the best name brand prop is uncomfortable (even organon sustanon which has very little prop in it) compared to a longer esther which crystalizes less in the muscle... think of it in terms of wee little shards of glass (crystalline salts) in the muscle tissue - ergo OW ! !

yeah higher BA makes makes it hurt a bit... feels kinda hot and more like an infection a bit but it's a different kind of pain than from the crytallization, you can actually tell the pains apart after a while and can judge most UG labs by the seat of your pants (haha i made a pun)

don't get me wrong, i love prop... it just not a very comfortable injection but don't worry you'll get used to it and if you're as sick as the rest of us you'll actually start to like it and even miss it on the off days...

just my 2 cents

bump brew...i would not use a UG lab unless i knew the guy personally. like brew said, a lot of them just dont care about making it painless because they are just looking to make money.
i use ug prop @ 2ml/100mgs each and its absolutely painfree. but after seeing my cyp crash, its clearly the recrystallization that takes place in your muscle that makes it hurt.
i'm running a cycle with bignick and i injected last thrusday. There's more pain this time and it feels like its swollen. (a lot of pressure) Almost feels like part of my cheek is gonna pop. I injected towards the middle of my cheek but the pain is at the top. Is this normal?
well, either it will heal on it's own or with the help of antibiotics.

If an infection gets really bad it can kill you. Keep on eye on your body temperature and for any abcesses.
well for starters tilla52 is a pussy, IP you can eat my ass you bastard and everyone else thanks for the advice....The UG lab is very credible and most of you and i know the freakz here know of the lab. So its just a bad reaction, prop is a bitch, but its worth it and i am feeling alot harder now, but every since i bumped that shit up to 200mg/EOD it has been a whole new ballgame!!!! My ass feels like fucking hurts 2x as bad as 1.5ml does....its only .5 ml more and it is at leas 2x....fuck its 3x the pain!!!!! Ba gotta be the BA content
half life of prop is 4.5 days, try adding some sterile oil, I had same problem and this solved completly...