
Just got thru with a conversion :)
I have a question though, on two of the bottles I added the powder and the Ba/BB first before the oil.
On the other two I added powder to the oil than the Ba/BB, did this mess up the consistancy of the oil? Will it be ok for inject? added a pic so you can see the results.
I dont know, but the ones on the left look a hell of a lot better
I put the two vials up to a bright light.... It looks like small particles(crystals) are floating around in the vial. Have no idea though.. I filtered the solution ??? Oh well I am gonna have to choke this up as a loss. Future advice to all you out there, Always add the Ba/BB to the powder before adding oil!!!
Bro don't trash it yet, there is still hope,lol. If you are seeing crystals the compound is just falling out of solution. What % of each solvent did you use. Also have you tried heating the solution to dissolve those crystals. Heat is a great catalyst and will often help solve problems like this. I suspect you will need to use this along with a little more solvent, but this can still be fixed. Also, what if any equipment are you using....stir/ hot plates?
I tried heating it and could not get the crystals to release. Thought about adding more Ba/BB but thought it may take alot, which will lead to a painful inject. The thing that still boggels me is how did the crystals get thru the micro-filter ????? I have the lab equipment to process what I need. I should have just dissolved the powder first before adding the oil (Dont get in a hurry when converting). I would have to heat the mixture to a high degree to get the hormones to release, which will then interfer with the compound I was trying to make in the first place. I guess I am gonna try to add Ba/BB in small increments, and heat it until it dissolves. I will let you know how it goes for future refrence!!
bro You still don't answer with the solvent % used. I think what happened, or alteast what happens most wiht sya cyp is that it does initially disovle with the solvents and the heat so it passes thru the filter, but over time as you lower the temp, you also lower the solubility curve. The only way to change this is more solvent I wouldn't go over 3% ba until you find that 20 %bb won't hold.
This is the percent solvent I use
15% BA, 75% BB, 10% Other
I add 10-15% to the volume of oil I am using

I added more to the two vials, about 2mL and added heat. One vial dissolved alittle better than the other. Once the oil lowered to room temperature It came out of suspension. I feel that alot of Ba/BB would have to be added for it to stay suspended, so I am going to accept defeat on this one. I added a pic
holy batshit batman you used 15 ba and 75 bb and it still crashed. Hell I wouldn't want to shoot that if it did stay in suspension. Anything over 5% ba cripples me. Did all four vials come from the same batch of powder? what conc where you trying for? If it was a resonable one say 100 mg/ml or less I would question the powder. You could try refiltering to remove any undisolved particles and still use it even though it would be less mg/ml than expected, but I have a feeling its gonna leave a huge freaking lump with that % ba.
nitro_tech2k3 said:
This is the percent solvent I use
15% BA, 75% BB, 10% Other
I add 10-15% to the volume of oil I am using

I added more to the two vials, about 2mL and added heat. One vial dissolved alittle better than the other. Once the oil lowered to room temperature It came out of suspension. I feel that alot of Ba/BB would have to be added for it to stay suspended, so I am going to accept defeat on this one. I added a pic
Is this a joke?
assuming 50ml vial
1.25ml of oil
5 grams-o-powder
7.50 ml ba 15%
37.50 bb 75%
The 1.25 ml of oil in that calculation is my question