Protein and supps.


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Just out of curriosity, how many of you are trying to get away with supplementing powder protein supps for solid food protein?

Not sure, but I have heard a lot lately of people trying to only use powder as their main source of protein. You should know that protein powders are good to add to your intake but nothing beats all natural protein in the form of solid foods.

I drink a shake PWO, and if I'm in a hurry and don't have time to eat real food, or if I run out of chicken mid week and can't get to the store or something just to get some protein in. For the most part I try to eat whole foods though. Not only for the benefit of eating the whole food, but protein shakes only keep me full for about 30 minutes and then I need to eat something else.
Not only for the benefit of eating the whole food, but protein shakes only keep me full for about 30 minutes and then I need to eat something else.

Same with me... that could never fill me up enough! Plus I love eggs and beef, so I always enjoy eating those!!

I always have a shake post-workout, of course. Depending on how my calories are for the day (or how hungry I am), sometimes I'll have one right when I wake up to hold me over until breakfast... and sometimes I'll have casein before bed. It's rare that I exceed 2/day, but I always make sure to have protein in solid form.

In fact, I'm having a can of tuna with brown rice as I write this...
I knew a chick that used to live on MRP's and she was a heavy weight female competitor. She is proof that it can be done and that it works. The only solids she took where the extra supplements tabs. She is Big, strong, cut and overall amazing.

I once read that drinking your meals isnt healthy but as far as effectiveness she achieved her goals faster and food prep was never a concern.

She's been on Met-rx and EAS MRPS. For extra bulk she chugs down Guar gum fiber. She swears she never gets hungry. 6-8 MRP's a day is her RX.

Personally I would puke because I love real food.
I only drink PWO shakes , I save them for only then....

I used to down them for calories and for meal replacement.. With a good priced protein thats an option. But constantly have to replace protein unless you buy in bulk. But cant rely just on protein you have to have other nutrients and minerals...

So ive shyed away from using protein , as any other time besides post workout. To keep things super simple. Protein any time beside pretty much after workout you can replace with slower foods , as long as calories are the same , no difference.

So I keep it simple with only PWO , but after I run out of my protein I will probably only eat foods after workout. Since I dont feel like rebuying
Considering how most protein shakes taste, I'd rather have solid food.
After many years I can honestly say I haven't experienced any difference at all in growth by using a protein shake at anytime of the day. I've been with and without shakes for extended periods thoughout bulks, cuts, strengths, ect. 5-7 clean meals a day is all one needs, just adjust meals for your goals.
Since were on subject of muscle building lol... How do you guys feel about the aerogel artificial muscle research?

I read something about 2 month ago , where aerogel , the most insulative material in the world.. and lightest material.

Theyve made nanotubes with it , and under electrical impulses it bows out / shortens.. Like normal muscle tissue... and suppose to have a tensile strength stronger than steel.

I mean of course it would just be muscle impulses making the movements , their would not be any sources of energy besides electrical, pretty much they could make an artificial limb with these nanotubes and as long as you eat and have the nutrition to supply the energy and your body can give electrical impulses , you have limitless use of movement... Now your heart of course wont need to pump blood to these "muscles" etc.. so I mean do you think their onto some superhuman replacement stuff?

Alot of issues with blood supply , for cut , scratch , recovery and etc.. its just the muscles wont need the blood and oxygen. idk... just putting it out there.
That sounds interesting Chris, where did you read about that? Do you have a link? I would like to see what it's all about.
You would probably be better off looking on google yourself about aerogel , and artificial muscle. These were like a few of the top links. Didnt feel like going through finding a good article , since im cleaning up my computer , Until I get a small airtunnel , Im putting my car design on hold just keep the image and ideas in my head for now.