PSL Arrived!

Yes! Shaking well is a must! :)

Things have been good. I am actually very happy and surprised about the pinning. Injects have been smooth and painless. No soreness anymore as well.

I am feeling more pumps and have seen weight increases on many movements. So I am heading in the right direction. You see yourself daily, so its tough, but I do seem a bit fuller. Especially while training! But I am on a light dose, so I will be bumping that up a bit on the next pin. I will keep you posted with updates!
Just a quick update. Into my 3rd FULL week now doing EOD. I am not really counting that first week since I only pinned twice. So it was only 200mgs of each at the time.

I started to see a lil bit of strength increase about 2 weeks ago. On certain movements. And I was starting to feel a bit fuller. Now after discussing the dosage, I decided to bump up the shots since I was kinda on the low side. Now I should start seeing more strength and muscle growth. I am now doing 150mgs of Prop EOD and 125mgs of NPP EOD. I also worked in 2 new inject sites to refresh the receptors. First time in the quads and delts and they are sore! LOL Much better after 2 days. Using 4 sites now in the rotation.

I adjusted my diet a bit after speaking with 3Js and I may sign up with him for my cutting cycle. But this cycle is more about putting on more mass and size. I added on more calories overall within my current meal schedule. Today I weighed in about 8-9lbs heavier than when I started the cycle. My pants are feeling the same, but I am noticing some shirts/jackets to be a bit more snug. So hopefully this is a sign of moving in the right direction. I am really looking forward to more noticeable growth now in the upcoming weeks.
Just a quick update. Into my 3rd FULL week now doing EOD. I am not really counting that first week since I only pinned twice. So it was only 200mgs of each at the time.

I started to see a lil bit of strength increase about 2 weeks ago. On certain movements. And I was starting to feel a bit fuller. Now after discussing the dosage, I decided to bump up the shots since I was kinda on the low side. Now I should start seeing more strength and muscle growth. I am now doing 150mgs of Prop EOD and 125mgs of NPP EOD. I also worked in 2 new inject sites to refresh the receptors. First time in the quads and delts and they are sore! LOL Much better after 2 days. Using 4 sites now in the rotation.

I adjusted my diet a bit after speaking with 3Js and I may sign up with him for my cutting cycle. But this cycle is more about putting on more mass and size. I added on more calories overall within my current meal schedule. Today I weighed in about 8-9lbs heavier than when I started the cycle. My pants are feeling the same, but I am noticing some shirts/jackets to be a bit more snug. So hopefully this is a sign of moving in the right direction. I am really looking forward to more noticeable growth now in the upcoming weeks.
You've reached the fun part of the cycle! The prop and NPP should be in full swing by now. Since you bumped up your doses (good choice) you should notice even more dramatic results in the next coming weeks as long as you train hard and eat like a horse! :)

Soreness is fully expected when pinning a new muscle. You'll get used to it and there should be little to no PIP in the upcoming weeks.

Thank you Joz for all of your help. I am training hard for sure. I actually had to skip biceps this week since I was trying a routine that allowed me to work them on every training day! You pick one isolated exercise and do 10 structured sets. Well it was working great, but I think I strained my left bi a bit since it felt fatigue and also a bit flat when I flex. Not as hard as my right bi. So needless to say, I stopped that. LOL But I was able to still do back strong and such, so its not like I torn anything. But I wanted to rest it for a week.

The rest of the training has been strong and YES, I have been eating alot more as I should!!
Just keep an eye out for "deca dick", meaning the inability to get it up consistently. If that happens, your prolactin is too high and you need a dopamine agonist to drop it back down. If you keep your E2 level in check you most likely have nothing to worry about.
deca dick sucks had it for six mths oncecand i was engaged
so far so good with that Mountain! Not sure if its because of the Prop....but to be honest, I am like in rabbit mode! Its always on my mind! LOL
deca dick sucks had it for six mths oncecand i was engaged


- - - Updated - - -

3J is the man! I would DEFINATELY spend the money to have him help you. Seriously, he is great at what he does. Combine 3J with PSL and you have a no lose situation. The only variable is you - and you appear to want to crush it! It's clobberin' time!
So tonight was a noticeable difference! Even with this slight pull/strain in my left bicep, I hit chest and triceps tonight. I have been eating so much more as well. I think increasing the dosage was a key move. I felt really strong on chest. And honestly, I have mass in my chest, but it was never my strongest muscle in the gym for some reason. SO I am working hard to change that. Started with flat DB press and like I said, I feel a slight tweak in the left bi when going back with them before the first rep. Then its ok. But I know I am not 100% there. But I ended up doing 5 sets total and the increase came in the 4th set. Which used to be my max poundage, I ended up doubling the reps and then went for even more weight on the 5th set and got 5 reps up, no spot. So very happy. In my first 3 sets, I did more reps than usual, so that was good. Moved on to smith machine incline press (4 sets), then hammer strength incline (5 sets) and finished with 6 sets of cable crossovers (3 lower, coming up and then 3 traditional fly). Felt STRONG. Then I banged out 14 sets for Triceps, 4 different movements, 2 I super-setted. I would have done more, but the gym closes at midnight! LOL

I am also feeling great pumps as well!!!!!! :)
Just wanted to get some feedback now I am in a few weeks.

What can be expected now at this combo with these dosages? Any vets with experience. 500mgs / NPP and 600 mgs Test Prop every 7 days. (1.25mg and 1.5mg EOD) I am noticing more fullness and I seem to be gaining some weight. My strength has gone up for sure in a handful of movements. Some are very noticeable. I am also eating ALOT more. I know its not a race and takes time....but should I see steady growth? I am also gonna work back in IGF since I have been off a month now.
Just wanted to get some feedback now I am in a few weeks.

What can be expected now at this combo with these dosages? Any vets with experience. 500mgs / NPP and 600 mgs Test Prop every 7 days. (1.25mg and 1.5mg EOD) I am noticing more fullness and I seem to be gaining some weight. My strength has gone up for sure in a handful of movements. Some are very noticeable. I am also eating ALOT more. I know its not a race and takes time....but should I see steady growth? I am also gonna work back in IGF since I have been off a month now.

Hard to gauge your progress without some stats my man.

-what's your maintenance calorie intake?
-how many calories are you currently eating?
-have you taken any before/after measurements?
-how much weight have you gained?
-how much weight have you added to each of your lifts?

Also progress pics are helpful as well ;)
Subbed, you will definitely like this combo! Although most times I've seen test /npp. It's usually close to 2/1 ratio. With the doses you have stated I would run some proviron with your cycle to help prevent sides! 50-100mg ed.
Have you thought about adding in proviron?
Yes, you should see slow and steady growth, provided you keep increasing your weights moved. At some point you will plateau out, this is usually a sign to increase your food intake again by around 500 calories more. Remember the old adage, to grow you must eat! Some of what you are gaining will be fat - no way around it - but if you are eating cleanly it should not be much compared to the muscle you are adding.
I am eating ALOT more than before the cycle. Its mainly clean. I will post some meal info. I weighed myself today and I am 12lbs heavier than when I started. I gotta see if I can do a pic comparison. I know before I started the cycle, I was probably around 2,500 calories a day. Progress was being made, but I wasnt putting on alot. Although I was dropping body fat, I was plateauing with strength gains. I probably went up 1,000 more calories now and I am seeing a difference. I know some could be water weight, but my strength has gone up alot as well.

Sample meal plan

8am - heaping teaspoon of organic coconut oil (kick off the digestive system and the overall health benefits are great)

9am - 7-8 servings of egg whites (I used the liquid egg whites)
1 packet of organic rolled oats protein oatmeal
1 packet of flax seed/chia oatmeal
1 tbsp of almond butter

1pm 8-10 oz of chicken breast
3 slices of Ezekiel Flax Bread toasted
1 whole avocado

5pm 3 servings of shrimp (cold) or 2 servings of tuna (broiled)
3 protein waffles (Vans power grains - good stuff)

8-830pm Either chicken again or Fish
Carb source varies from oatmeal again, potatoes or veggies

930pm - Preworkout shake

10pm - 12am - TRAINING

12:15am - Postwork work shake - IRON MASS by Arnold

That is a typical day lately.