Pulled one Friday night


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Went out Friday night for a $10,000 drawing dinner and ended up going to the bar. Now I remember why I quit drinking so much years ago. I drank prolly 12 budlights at the dinner and went to the bar and started taking shots, jager bombs and god knows what else. Got sick in my truck, my wife was driving, I don't drink and drive guys, also got to the house and didn't make it in the garage got sick again. I really feel like someone slipped me a ruffy lol, I still don't feel right and that was Friday night. Fuk drinking its not worth it at all, I completely ruined my whole weekend and got no workouts in.
I know the feeling. I quit drinking almost 5 years ago. I was a bad alcoholic and if I didn't quit I'd be dead right now. I kept a CASE of pint whiskey bottles next to our bed. When the alarm went off, I took one out, opened it and drank it before I could put my feet on the floor. Then I'd have 2-3 more throughout the day. That's not counting if I went out or actually wanted to enjoy it. It was just maintenance at that point. Spent almost 20 years like that. Then my wife gave me the ultimatum that I could either be a drunk or married. Now as a powerlifter, I see a lot of guys in the sport that still party hard. To me it seems so counterproductive to gains. I'm glad I'm done with that life.
I've come to the realization that I just can't drink like that anymore. It's not enjoyable and ruins multiple days. Not sure how or why I thought it was enjoyable to get that intoxicated all those years. lol.
I can still do it and out last most 20 somethings.....not bragging because it's not something to be proud of but I've always had a stupid high tolerance for alcohol :disgust:. I've been hungover a couple of times and somehow managed to stay out trouble but I really need to slow the hell down at my age. Been dieting with the wife for almost 6 weeks now and I really haven't missed the booze and partying so maybe that's my signal to stop befroe my liver goes tits up! :dead: lol
Yeah I think thats the last for me for awhile. Thats the thing I only usually do it or over do it like 3 times a year, used to do it every weekend, but it sucks laying in bed all day hungover with your 2 year old son pulling at your arm to come play and you can do nothing.