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Great tranformation. I am in the same boat as you. I in my transforming stage as we speak. Everyone is asking if I'm taking something. I just smile! <!--emo&:D--><img src="http://musclechemistry.mantisforums.com/IB3/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo-->
Thanks Rockie ....

There's another pic coming soon ... In that last pic (the CKD one) I was about 205.  

I am 230 now ... with just little more fat on me and no tan.

Looking to push 250 within the next couple of months before I start to get ripped for summer.

Stay tuned ...
I would be curious to see if you obtained your goals. Hope you have! Great work otherwise!
Had an unexpected trip to Hawaii given to me just after Christmas, so it left me with like a month to shed some fat so the natives wouldn't think I was a bloated whale washed up on shore when I went to the beach.

Did hit 238 before starting to diet ... In the pics (which will be coming as soon as Stickler gets around to posting them ... he's a busy guy ...) I am 225 and fairly tight.

As it stands, the push for 250 will have to wait until summer ball is over. My ankles/knees would hate me if I tried doing all of that jumping, running, rebounding, etc. at 250.
OK, so here's the plan ... or at least the goal I am shooting for ...

I currently look much like the picture above from Hawaii ... a bit tighter .. bf% is 10.5% according to digital calipers ...

I have decided to try my hand at BB comp. The contest I am thinking of is a local show and is over a year away but I figure I will try my hand a being a BBer.

I have alot of work to do in a little over a year, I know. for the next three months I am still looking to get my bf% down without resorting to DNP type shit.

In September I plan to take pics of my condition at that point and will post them here for everyone to critique and tell me what my weak points are from a BB perspective.

I may be good at training athletes and prescribing training and cycles for them, but I have never competed or even BEEN to a competition, so it is new ground for me. Any help I can get would be appreciated.

Before anyone says it, my legs are bigger now than in that last pic, and I know my biceps suck.  ???
Good work bro, you stating to look like a man,lol.  You should see some of the pics I have when I was 18,lol.  I was a skinny little guy.
Somehow, when switching to the new board, my Hawaii pic got lost ... so here it is ...

New pics coming in 4 weeks or so ...


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Thanks fellas. I am up around 230 now, bulking again. Hoping to see 250 by January. We'll see what happens ... LOL ...