PUMPED!!! from IGF-1 lr3


New member
Been waiting all day to get a min to post this. So its been about 5 weeks now on IGF. I am on 80mcg for on days and 40mcg on off days. Let me tell you....last night I hit 40mcg in each bicep. Immediately there is a sensation...like a tighten feeling. The biceps are starting get tight and pumped. I then rock out back and bi's last night. I am an owl...so I train late. I finished around 11:30pm. My arms were swollen. Great shit. I go home and down my shake. Hang out a bit and head to bed. Arms are still pumped. All throughout the night, pissing every 2-3 hours LOL....I am flexing the biceps...feeling pumped. Wake up this morning, arms are still pumped and hard. Fucking IGF man!!! It's 2:30pm now and I felt like i just did a set of curls!!! Fucking IGF man! BRAVO!!!!!!!
great review to bump for those curious just how well IGF-1 Lr3 works!
I personally love it he shit! Lol... It has made me a believer, helped tremendously with my recovery from my surgeries.