pure oils

so dienolone acetate is like a tren right?
so witch one on there site is test? to stack with this?

Let me know if you get the Dien, and if you like it.
I haven't tried it yet, but yes, I have read that most say it is similar to Tren, but with less sides (I like the thought of that).
As with everything, we will all react a little differently. Some say it's dry. Some say it's wet.
Most seem to experience increased body temp with it, especially immediately after pinning.
Some say it's great for bulking/strength. Others say it's great for cutting.
I think most of that just comes down to diet, of course.
Either way, I'm up for giving it a go.
I'm gonna hold off until the fall and throw in some Dbol with it, because from what I've read, I'm thinking it's gonna be better for bulking.
You just don't know until you try it...

I'm about to begin taking their DTA for the first time this week.
From what I have gathered, it is better for cutting/hardening/vascularity than Dien.

Gonna start at a low dose (25mg/EOD) just to see how I react, but then I'm gonna bump it to 75mg/EOD the next week.
Then, 100mg/EOD. I'm hoping I won't need more than that. 300mg/Week seems to be a moderate dose.
Apart from my HRT Test (200mg/Week) and MCigf, I'm gonna run it SOLO for the first week or two so I can get a feel for it.
I'm a little concerned about acne. I've read it can get pretty bad with DTA, but I have a pretty good regimen to take care of that.
I'll be adding 10mg SD M-F for a few weeks as a kickstart.
Then I'm gonna throw in some ELITE EPI/TREN that I stocked up on to finish it off.
It's looking like a 8 week cycle. For now...

As far as the Trest goes, it doesn't take much research to find out that everyone loves it (including myself).
It's similar to Test, but much, much, more powerful.
Keep Anti-P on hand, because it is a 19-nor compound.
You'll really need to watch your Estro/Prolactin with Trest.
I learned that the hard way.
Also, there is no need to run a Test base if you are running Trest.
They have a tough time keeping that stuff in stock, so good luck with that.

Hope this helps a bit. Feel free to PM me anytime.
They are both. Some are injectible oils. Some are oral PHs

- - - Updated - - -

I ran the both the DTA and the Dien with their Trest Ace in 2 separate cycles. The trest Ace is mythical now.. hasnt been in stock for a bit and isnt going to be anytime soon if you read through their boards. Im thinking of running the Dien with test prop next round.
No idea. Love their products and service though.
They really are a great company, and take great care of their customers.

It's just too bad they have such a hard time keeping things in stock.
That gets frustrating.
What boards is PO a sponsor on? They are no longer a sponsor on PM.


Their customer service the past few months has gone to hell. Very unhappy customers. I paid extra for a rush order, and after 2 weeks, finally made contact with a CSR as I was afraid something I ordered was out and that was delaying my order (they dont update the site when somethings out of stock for several days after its gone). I was told if the site let me order it, its in stock, and will ship. 7 days after that I got an email saying my products were out of stock. I flipped. Got my money back fairly quickly though. Sad thing is, this is a common occurrence lately. Some have stories far worse.
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I thought that went away after the ban?
PHF stopped selling all PH's, so I guess I just assumed they didn't discuss it on the forum anymore.
I have had their reps hook me up with items that were out of stock on the site, so that's something to consider.
I wrote to PO and asked them why they stopped being a sponsor on PM. They wrote me back saying it was for "legality reasons". WTF....There are lots of sponsors selling AAS on PM. PO will put you on a waiting list and let you know when a particular product is in stock. I think they have had some problems getting the raws through customs. I do know that Patrick Arnold tests each batch of raws for purity.

Prohormoneforum.com no longer allows the discussion of prohormones. I suggested to the Board Administrator that they change their name...lol That forum has turned into a joke.
That makes sense. They aren't selling AAS. They're selling "Research Chemicals"
They've been out of Trest for a while, but they still seem to be getting some raws. Items seem to be coming in slower and slower though.
Either way, they're still taking a huge risk with things if u ask me. I mean, I don't know how they're getting away with it. I'm gonna miss then when they're gone.
I left PHF after the ban. What's the point?!
I still have 60 ml of trest, but I would love to get some more to have on hand. Its an awesome compound. Feels like a tren/dbol combo to me with no sides.