kind of odd that you are the ONLY guy defending against the 1000s of negative reviewsSooooo many bad reviews from brand new accounts that go dormant after the bad review and only on Evolutionary affiliated clone forums. It seems kinda odd that the only place people have ever had an issue is on forums where the moderators and admins tell you what sources you should be using and if you even mentiona source that isn't naps, ugfreak or domestic-supply that source is a scammer or sells dirty or underdosed or fake gear. They are the number 1 source on other forums where the mods and admins don't shill for sources that pay to be promoted. You can't see how it's a little sus the only places they have bad reviews are on 4 forums that have all the exact same moderators and admins and senior members that only push the same 3 sources. I've seen on multiple threads people posting they ordered from approved sources and admins start chiming in with you should have used this source or that source and it's always the same 3 sources that get jammed down your throat, I just read a thread in anabolex where someone was excited about trying geneza and said they ordered from and the first comment was an admin saying you should have used naps when they have a link on the homepage banner that takes you to so you can't even buy from an approved source without getting shit on because it's not the admin and mods preferred source. Going to have to say this, but I hate to do this SFTU bro!
i bet you own, why not come out and be honest? admit it