Putin vs Obama in the Octagon


New member
I would love to see it, Putin would make Obama beg for mercy. Obama smokes and is a bitch. Putin is a black belt in Sambo and would beat the snot out of him.
didn't he just say the other day that pot is no more dangerous than alcohol

wonder if he gets piss tested?
Yeah Putin would go Russian bear on his ass! Obama is sickly skinny if you ever really look at him, he looks brittle and tiny, his wife would give Putin a better fight lol. Obama aged like a mother fucker over the course of his presidency , crazy crazy overnight aging ! Same thing happened to bush and Clinton , I guess it's the job
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no he just quit dying his hair

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you look at all the presidents after 8 years

most of us look like shit compared to what we did 8 years ago
BoBo was at a fair or some place a while back w/Gov Christie and they were throwing footballs at a target or something. Obama threw just like the little bitch he is, looked like a girl throwing. Total wuss.....
no he just quit dying his hair

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you look at all the presidents after 8 years

most of us look like shit compared to what we did 8 years ago

speak for yourself brutha lol I look the best I've ever looked, well body wise, face got older and hair thinner lol but nothing like the presidents look after just their first couple years.

BoBo was at a fair or some place a while back w/Gov Christie and they were throwing footballs at a target or something. Obama threw just like the little bitch he is, looked like a girl throwing. Total wuss.....

Yeah here in jersey after hurricane sandy ! Christie sucked up to bobo and helped give the election to the democrats. ! He's a fucking RINO!