putting weight on...


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
When i say putting weight on, I mean growing. Is it better to be lean, or bulky when trying to pack the lbs on, and grow? Basically, what is the optimum growing condition-lean or not so lean? What does everyone think, and how does it relate to them??
I'd say it's better to be bulky. It's very hard to get conditions just right so you can grow and stay majorly lean at the same time. I overheard Scott Farmer the other day say to another guy that he had reached 295, and he still looks very lean. I can only guess that he must have quite the supply of GH and other extras to keep him that way while bulking. The rest of us who don't have that kind of resources must rely on food, and in a way, that's cheaper and easier. You just have to lose any fat you may put on. That's how the old school guys did it. Basically, the optimum is higher calories going in than being expended.
I think the whole process is easier than many people think. Eat enough and take what you need to become progressively stronger and heavier. Takes pics and if you see you are gaining bodyfat too quickly, tighten things up. If you aren't growing, eat more. You aren't going to put on maximum muscle at 5% bf, but you don't want to gain so much bf that when dieting you have to sacrifice a ton of muscle to get lean or you have to diet for 20 weeks.
That's why a lot of guy use a steady combo of gh/slin/test/t3......plus high volume workouts and fasted cardio if needed once the bodyfat starts to climb in the mid teens

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That's why a lot of guy use a steady combo of gh/slin/test/t3......plus high volume workouts and fasted cardio if needed once the bodyfat starts to climb in the mid teens

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This is pretty much the most common combo I've been seeing lately. It's effective, so why not
I say no more than 10-12 percent (12 at the very most) is the best conditioning for growth...although coming off a show, you will grow well to at a very lean bodyweight...but that is because your in a depleted state...
im staying 'lean' offseason from now on. 10% or less.
i dont grow at higher bf. i only get fatter.
I think there is something to be said for being bigger, even if it's pretty fat, to put on good solid muscle. I spent my my younger years never being able to get above 190. I had some kids and got kinda fat, hanging around 230+. Now dieted down I'm the same weight at 9% BF. I honestly don't think this would have been possible for me if I started out at 190 lean and trying to gain. That being said, I'm going to try a new aproach, for me, now and grow into my next show.
Scientificly speaking Lyle mcdonald's studies have shown 10-15% being the ideal range of bulking. Since that is the bf range that your hormones are ideal. No one over 15 should be bulking really.