Qestion about DNP while on cycle


New member
I was wondering if you could take DNP while on a cycle? IF the cycle matters I will post.
Yeah I wuld imagine it wuld help keep from losing muscle while on the dnp. however i never used it so im not real sure, bump for others
is this stuff really that bad. I was just wanting to take 200mg a day for two weeks. I didn't think that it would be all that bad.
sure if you go over board with anything thing is bad, but in such a small amount for short term I didn't think that it would be that bad.
why even do it then if you're going to only use for two weeks and at a low dose? DIET had always been proven to work better than drugs.
YEa i dont see the point in that........you might think your getting 200mg in a cap or tab, but any fuck ups by the manufacturer and you may get a dose toxic enough to put you in the E.R. or worse.

My experience with it is that it's very uncomfortable. You feel like a constant furnace is burning inside your body and it isnt worth it unless your a competitor and you really need to shed weight super fast..

Im not trying to tell you what to do, just trying to help you think about safer options.

No matter what you decide I wish you goodluck bro and keep us updated on your persuit.
OK how long should I take it,every one is acting like it is eating rat posion so I was just thinking abou a short term use. I do diet and do cardio but i can't get off the fat. I don't ever hear of anyone getting so much $hit about using clen. So if there is something better why not use it.
Well it is used in bug poison and pool cleaners.lol.

I used 600mg/daily when i did it. and saw decent fatloss, but nothing cutting carbs couldnt have done. I did 2 weeks on/1week off followed by another two weeks. this was in 2000 so we new alot less about it back then.......

Clen/t3 and a low carb diet would be much safer and very effective unless your in a hurry.

I wont comment on how you should take it because that would be hipocracy on my part and the fact is I havent used it in four years.