Quad Development

Pumping Iron

New member
What are you guys finding as the best exercise to develop your quads? I hit them twice a week and they seem to grow so damn slow.
Whats been working for me is heavy leg presses with my feet really close together, then smith machine squats after.
like chuck said deep squats with a semi wide stance

and lately ive been doing pyramid sets for leg exts, works amazing for tear drop development.
Sounds like I'm doing everything you guys do. I think I will try the wider stance on my squats.. Chuck, I also use the machine as well. I've had 2 hernia surgery's and the machine really seems to keep me in the proper position. and the pryramid extension sounds good, I just had the damn burn.. hahah
Although this may seem like such a simple answer that it sounds stupid, but a sure fire way to get your quads to grow is by constantly increasing their strength. Although my routine is a variation of DC due to some not so genetically gifted bodyparts, the theory and results behind it are unarguable. For instance I started doing DC training in June or July of 07 doing 315 for 20. Most recently I have done 465 for 18. You can guess at the gains in my quad size. I do 1 or 2 exercises one all out set and right it down. I alternate between several exercises, but you can bet your yearly salary that when I get under that bar again I will do more weight and the same if not more reps. That is how I train my entire body.
Although this may seem like such a simple answer that it sounds stupid, but a sure fire way to get your quads to grow is by constantly increasing their strength. Although my routine is a variation of DC due to some not so genetically gifted bodyparts, the theory and results behind it are unarguable. For instance I started doing DC training in June or July of 07 doing 315 for 20. Most recently I have done 465 for 18. You can guess at the gains in my quad size. I do 1 or 2 exercises one all out set and right it down. I alternate between several exercises, but you can bet your yearly salary that when I get under that bar again I will do more weight and the same if not more reps. That is how I train my entire body.

I like it!! Impressive weight for a lot of reps!! I've been doing the 5/3/1 workout and finish my last set for as many reps as I can and then like you said the next time will be more. makes it fun to compete and push yourself.
Although this may seem like such a simple answer that it sounds stupid, but a sure fire way to get your quads to grow is by constantly increasing their strength. Although my routine is a variation of DC due to some not so genetically gifted bodyparts, the theory and results behind it are unarguable. For instance I started doing DC training in June or July of 07 doing 315 for 20. Most recently I have done 465 for 18. You can guess at the gains in my quad size. I do 1 or 2 exercises one all out set and right it down. I alternate between several exercises, but you can bet your yearly salary that when I get under that bar again I will do more weight and the same if not more reps. That is how I train my entire body.

Interesting man, thanks for the info.. I am really going to try anything at this point.. For me it's Quads,Bi's and Tri's those are the 3 things no matter how hard I hit or how often I rotate exercises they NEVER grow.. Genetics suck
Although this may seem like such a simple answer that it sounds stupid, but a sure fire way to get your quads to grow is by constantly increasing their strength. Although my routine is a variation of DC due to some not so genetically gifted bodyparts, the theory and results behind it are unarguable. For instance I started doing DC training in June or July of 07 doing 315 for 20. Most recently I have done 465 for 18. You can guess at the gains in my quad size. I do 1 or 2 exercises one all out set and right it down. I alternate between several exercises, but you can bet your yearly salary that when I get under that bar again I will do more weight and the same if not more reps. That is how I train my entire body.

That's what I've been trying to do plus the wider stance. I also found out I put pressure down on my feet the wrong way. Once I figured out how to push more with the heel, my quads have started to respond better.