Question about Alcaholic Beverages

winneevee said:
San diego, alcohol converts to sugar in your blood. Reasearch it Nair Balls! ;)

That’s actually quite irrelevant in this discussion. It doesn’t materially affect myogenesis as a result of glucose conversion.

However, diet sodas will.

Alcohol is a bad idea no matter what way you look at it as it inhibits production of testosterone, ups the presence of estrogen and even decreases protein synthesis. If one so chooses to short change themselves on gains, straight liquor is there best bet to minimize the damage.
UCDFuBoO said:
so sounds like drink of choice based on these responses is jack/diet coke or rum/diet coke.

thanx for the imput guys!

No, those are really poor choices when you conisder other alternitives. Then again, it really depends on how serious you are.
most clear alcohol contains low or no sugars try vodka or something similiar.
|The reason for most hang overs is the sugarsand alcohol over consumption dehydrating you.
If i drink and want no carbs or sugars i drink transparent alcohol, jack is high in sugars, my favorite souther comfort black label is too so i have bacardi mixed drinks like mohitos or something clear. same effect les sugarsand drink one glass of water forevery drink you consume, i beer=i glass of water, 1 shot=1 glass of water.. ect.
down2kill said:
most clear alcohol contains low or no sugars try vodka or something similiar.
|The reason for most hang overs is the sugarsand alcohol over consumption dehydrating you.
If i drink and want no carbs or sugars i drink transparent alcohol, jack is high in sugars, my favorite souther comfort black label is too so i have bacardi mixed drinks like mohitos or something clear. same effect les sugarsand drink one glass of water forevery drink you consume, i beer=i glass of water, 1 shot=1 glass of water.. ect.

Jack, as most whiskeys, contain 0 carbs, 0 SUGARS.
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