Question about Standing Milatarys

tuned up

New member
i just got a power rack--so instead of doing milatarys from a seated position,in which i would bend over,grab the bar from the floor and proceed---I now put the bar on the rack ,shoulder height, load up the weights,and then grab the bar from that height and do my sets.Seems i can work the set with MUCH MORE weight do to the fact that i,m not bending over and grabbing it etc.,I know this is probably a stupid question but am I compromising this exercise in any way by doing it this way?
If this way is ok i,m surprised that i don,t here it being done this way more often--it just seems like that from picking the bar up at shoulder height,you would be able to push more weight
Most folks don't do 'em standing d/t risk of back injury. As far as doing them for for shoulder training, you don't gain anything from standing, although the standing could help with core strength which might carry over to other exercises.

Most folks are too strong in a strict seated military / OH press to handle the same weights when standing. (I can't see myself doing 225 standing, unless I spent some time working up to it...)

Maybe I read the post wrong as I didn't think he was talking about standing and pressing. If so, I think standing while pressing is putting your back in a very vulnerable position. I would definately do them seated.

I am confused. hehe

good to know--i wasn't aware that by standing you could hurt your back--i can see that now-
also--why would you get more out of the exercise by sitting? vs standing.
Skip said:
Maybe I read the post wrong as I didn't think he was talking about standing and pressing. If so, I think standing while pressing is putting your back in a very vulnerable position. I would definately do them seated.

I am confused. hehe


Who's on first?... LOL. The title of the thread was "Question about Standing Milatarys" so I kind of assumed he was doing them standing. He also said, "so instead of doing milatarys from a seated position..."

Tuned up?...

Tugs - like I said, you can use more weight seated (w/ a bench to put your back against). This is why you you would get more of the exercise by sitting.

Hmm....I do straight bar Military presses standing usually. I do dumbell sitting.

I do know I use more stabilizer muscle while standing which can be good and bad like homon said.

I just make sure to not over do it and arch my back at any time. Works for me I
Skip said:
Sometimes I just sit here staring at the screen for waaaay too long. lol


LMAO. That's what ya get for trying to do double duty posting here and surfing porn... A man's brain is not made for that... LOL

homonunculus said:
LMAO. That's what ya get for trying to do double duty posting here and surfing porn... A man's brain is not made for that... LOL

