Question for HRT guys......Total Test vs. Free Test

Dr's love lab results and numbers, if your low you are good to go with a script. Now for getting the doseage you desire is a different story. Obviously, you want to be around 1000 total test the upper levels of normal. Now what ever he prescribes you keep telling him that you are not in a therapeutic range , you do not feel better or you feel just a little better not much, then tell him you feel you are not in a therapeutic range where you desire to be , its got to be with in reason though, he will not push you much above 1000.

Thanks for the help bro.
What other options are available besides HRT? If free test is more important than total test, I feel like something should be done? I definitely have symptoms of low libido, lethargy, etc.

Trust me on this one bro, get some d-aspartic acid...
Got a call from the endo today. Second blood test results came back and test was still low, and LH was also low. I will be getting a pituitary MRI to ensure there is not a tumor present. I would appreciate any thoughts and prayers that this is nothing serious. Will update with more info when I can. Thanks.
Scary. Could your low test be from your recent cycle?

Doubtful. I've only run one cycle and it ended back in September and I did a good PCT. If my pituitary is not producing adequate amounts of LH I wouldn't think that would be because of a cycle.
Got a call from the endo today. Second blood test results came back and test was still low, and LH was also low. I will be getting a pituitary MRI to ensure there is not a tumor present. I would appreciate any thoughts and prayers that this is nothing serious. Will update with more info when I can. Thanks.

Just free test is still low or now both readings are low? Normally if there is a tumor in the pituitary, it causes overproduction of a hormone or hormones. My sister had a small tumor removed from her pituitary because it was causing her adrenals to pump out too much cortisol, giving her Cushing's disease.

If your LH is low, that can also be from genetics. My own has been low since I was first tested almost 12 years ago, and I'm pretty sure I don't have a tumor. I would be 80% sure it's not serious for you.

Let us know how it goes.
Just free test is still low or now both readings are low? Normally if there is a tumor in the pituitary, it causes overproduction of a hormone or hormones. My sister had a small tumor removed from her pituitary because it was causing her adrenals to pump out too much cortisol, giving her Cushing's disease.

If your LH is low, that can also be from genetics. My own has been low since I was first tested almost 12 years ago, and I'm pretty sure I don't have a tumor. I would be 80% sure it's not serious for you.

Let us know how it goes.

Test and LH are both low. I was doing some reading about it and it seems rare that a pituitary tumor is malignant so that's good. And I also saw what you mentioned, that most often a tumor causes overproduction of hormones. However, in some cases you can have a 'non-functioning' tumor and if it is large enough can reduce hormone production due to compression of the pituitary gland or the 'stalk' connecting it to the hypothalamus. They did tell me my prolactin level was normal was that's good as well. Hopefully it's just genetics and we can proceed with treatment, but I'm still anxious. I hate playing the waiting game. :(
Update: Just got a call from the endo and they said they didn't find anything abnormal on the MRI and we can proceed with treatment. They are calling in a prescription for test which I will pick up later this week and then I will have another appointment next week to discuss treatment and answer any questions I have. Praise God for this good news!