Question for the gear chemist


New member
a lab sent me 400 mg test cyp--they called and said don,t use it cause the batch they made wasn,t good-they mistakenly added too much 'preservant?'--any way--the vial showed up and in it was a heavy jell like substance--just hate to throw it away--can anything be done with it?
I would throw it out especially since they're replacing it. Who knows what really went in it!
I would toss it. you're not out any $$$. Just don't think its worth the risk. I would think if there was anything that you could do with it they would have told youto do it before sending you another on. I know how you feel though, I had to toss 3 bottels of masteron once because it came out of solution and there was no way to bring it back, tried heating it and everything. Not wanting to waste it I did 1 inject and ended yp with a galof ball size knot in my ass! Took months to go away.
Don't get an abscess bro..

damn thats a gel??
that weird usually just ba and bb added to cyp...

Sounds like they added gelatin, lol. I I honestly never heard of thickening of solutions (or preserves used other than solution to suspend, sterilize oil Ba or BB ) other than use of a thicker viscosity oil but not like you describe I would never use it.

This is why I hate UG gear you don't make it yourself no quality control could be anything in it.
th e chemist sais he added too much preservative in the mix--oh well--guess i,ll just toss it
I would question the chemists knowledge a bit to be honest bro.

Thats pretty scary anyone who brewed shit should know what the hell to add to make it right its not hard.

I never heard of a "preservative" added to test other than solutions to be suspended, sterilized and also to thin oils viscosity a bit to allow easier injections.