Question (nerve damage?)


New member
I hit my pecs on the outter lower 50mcg each side. My nipples began to hurt and get sensitive and even puff. The next day one is almost totally numb and the other only slightly. I think the acetic acid killed nerves. Also it gives a SLIGHT look of gyno, nothing noticeable unless you really look, but that could also just be some fat (ive put a little on).

Any thoughts? Will my nipple sensitivity return? Will the puffiness go down?
Nerves regenerate unless it's severe. You may have irritated the nerve. Take some bayer or another anti-inflammatory and you will most likely be ok in 3-7 days. If longer than two weeks check with a doc.
The puffiness should go down, but yes, it sounds like it got a nerve. Recovery depends on the damage done. I hit a nerve in my tricep once, and the skin on my arm went numb from that spot all the way down to the middle of my forearm. It was like that for probably about six months.
Pre-gyno? Is that possible via IGF alone because I am taking NO AAS, nor have I ever used any AAS.

My left one is worse than the right, but it is barely noticeable. My right is almost totally normal now. My left is recovering pretty well, but not fully. The injection site to the left (my left) of my left nipple is a yellow with a little darkness on the inside. Jaundice? What could be up? Tissue death? If so will it just go away and my body naturally transport it out or what? It hasnt appeared til now.
I have a yellow looking bruise on my bicep from injecting two days ago. I also have a spot on my calve that has what looks like what you are talking about as well. I have a little fluid in the calve but it is going down. Sounds like you hit a nerve and got a little reaction to the ba. There are tons of nerves in the nipple especially at the 9 oclock position. Take some motrin. You can take up to 800 milligrams every 6. It will help.