Question on effects of Clen



For those who have taken Clen, did you find that your strength increased the first time you took it? I've been researching clen, and I'm finding conflicting information on it. Many journals say that it is useless for anabolism unless you have beta 3 receptors, which supposedly humans either don't have or have very little of, and it only helps to burn fat. Bodybuilding articles say that it does help to burn fat, but also can give you similar effects as say winny. Other articles say that is a myth.

All I can tell is that I went to do military presses, having taken Aqua-burn for the first time, and I ended up having to literally add 50 pounds to what I normally was doing for reps just to get a workout on my shoulders, and I still did that higher weight for eight reps. Needless to say, it surprised the hell out of me. Even on M1T, I never had a strength increase like that. The surprises continued when on leg day, I went over 300 easily for deadlifts, and on chest day, I worked out with the 110 lb dumbells for flyes and ended with 115 for my last set. For the longest time, I have been struggling to get over 100 on flyes. Has this kind of thing happened to anyone else? I'm only taking the minimum, like 4-5 drops of the stuff.

Please post your experiences with this stuff.
strength gains: no
shaking: yes

lol. Although I've always discontinued use due to side effects. Seems I'm naturally sensitive to it.
i believe its been linked to some serious abnormalities of the heart. I have been thinking about it. but when i take it i get irregular heart beats. kind of scarry. plus i have notice better results with eca and with eca you get good work outs. Get you hyper therefore you feel strong and not weak and tired b4 during or after your work out. You must be careful with Eca and your Bp. Also dont take it past 6pm or youll be up all night.
i am also really sensative to the effects of clen. the first time i took it i thought i was going to have a heart attack. worked well for burning fat
the whole heart issue has been tossed around by many....studies prove it right and studies prove it still skeptical on the whole heart lab rats it has shown to promote heart trouble though
i personally have never really felt a big increase in strength from it but there have been several times i noticed a small difference..depending on my dose though..if i go on the high side of the scale i feel weaker and cant stop shaking LOL..
I used to get that crappy feeling from taking it the first 3-4 days (shakes, like I was gonna have a heart attack), but it usually goes away by the second week. If you do 4 two week cycles, by the end, the only prob you'll have is the shakes. It decreases but doesnt totally go away
Took loads of clen got no strengthg gains, just fatloss and it does prevent catbolism during PCT, it makes me more alert which may contribute to a more focussed workout. I cramp really badly on clen which is the only problem I have with it
Maybe it is in result to what I am on. I'm on test (all the time), and then I'm currently on IGF and slin. I have been feeling pumped from the slin and all, but I didn't get a strength increase like I described until I took the aqua-burn. I do get slightly shaky on it, but I'm only using about 4-5 drops. Squats have increased by 20 lbs in this last week, now doing 360. When I do military press again, I'll see if it was a concrete strength gain or if it was a fluke. Some of the research I found said something about the insulin receptors that had to do with clen. Maybe that's why it all happened, maybe slin, IGF, and clen work very well together. I'm going to have to delve deeper into this one. I'll post what I find out.
I had a similiar experience the first time I took it and I swore it was anabolic, after doing some research I found that it's only anti-catabolic... so with that thinking it would be great for PCT.

I found that I just feel stronger while on Clen so maybe it's just a placebo effect combined with the energy increase...
If it's a placebo effect, I wasn't expecting it, and wow, what an effect! I originally started to take it just for fat loss. I have always felt like I'm going two steps forward and one step back so progress takes a long time for me. Perhaps it being an anti-catabolic made it so I took two steps forward and no steps back. That, in my book makes it anabolic.

Oh, and btw, thanks for the pm, bro.
while reading this I just dug a bottle out of my secret stash in my office and just took 4 or 5 drops myself... hopefully it will help me power through my workout in a little while!

My pleasure bro, hope you had a good one.
An strength gain is definitely related to the aqua-burn. I took some about 15 minutes before my workout to test it. I normally take it in the morning. I went to do the military lift first, and found that the stuff hadn't fully taken effect, but I had retained a lot of the strength increase from the previous week. (I'm also still recovering a bit from my killer leg workout last Wednesday.) About 30 minutes into the workout, I felt as if some kind of switch turned on, and I found I could do a lot more weight or could do more reps with each exercise at that point. Since I did shoulders and arms today, my arms pumped crazy big, measuring just about 18 1/4"--that's the largest my arms have ever been. I seem to be losing a bit of fat around the midsection as well. I have to say I'm really liking this stuff.
you still seem to have these effects on clen? ... just curious. I know this was a long time ago, but still it's good to hear how your research went overall.
I haven't used clen in a while. I'm pretty sure I'd get the same effects if I use it again. Wow, blast from the past reading this thread. My arms are a full inch bigger than what I said in that last post in 2006, and I'm a lot leaner, too. Hmmm....maybe I'll have to try clen again.
not enough people use the 'search' function anymore.. it's a great way to get old things revisited... and of course follow up results too... keep us updated a year later.. LOL ... alright 2 years i guess.. lol