Question on my Creatine

Which creatine did you buy? I work at a GNC and what i recommend to those purchasing creatine is to take it immediatly after your workout when your glucose stores are heavily depleated, that includes cardio days and if you didnt know already you should be pounding water.
The creatine should have directions but I would take it every day. The most favorable meathod is 45 minutes before and directly after workouts. In addition to post workout you should be taking some protein powder-raises your bodies natural growth harmone output. You should take glutamine-might be in the protein powder-read the profile-to stop cortisol. Creatine is also a cell volumizer so you should take it twice a day every day even on non-workout days. Like I said, before and directly after workouts on training days and mornings and mid day or pre-bed time on non-workout days. That goes the same for the protein-on non-workout days try to take it between meals spaced about 2-3 hours as a bridge so your body has a constant supply of amino acids to feed the muscles.
Malic, im not sure what creatine you have but you need to make sure you get quality creatine. Its better tyo spend that extra money and get a quality creatine like Phosphagen HP, which in my opinion and personal experience is the most effective brand. That is for me though, but i have heard many good reviews on Phosphangen HP. When it come to taking the creatine, I've found that (after doing my research) taking half a serving prework out (30-45 minutes prior) and then taking another half serving post workout with a shake you will get optimal results. Also bro you really should not base your cardio on running until your legs hurt, doing it that way will do nothing but you lead you into overtraining and set you back further. Depending on your goals your cardio should be different. For example, i am cutting right now and my goal is to lose BF so i run 4 times a week for 30 minutes at a steady pace about 5 hours after i lift. If you want to gain weight (which it seems like your goal is) i would limit cardio to 2 times a week for about 20 minutes per session, unless you are training for a sport that requires cardiovascular endurance.

If you need me to clarify anything let me know Malic. Since I've been monitoring your progress i can see you are progressing well and learning. Just remember that A LOT of supplements you can buy at places like GNC or Vitamin World are overpriced and usual don't work very well. Like so many have said before, all you need at your age is a quality protein shake ( preferably whey isolate) glutamine, BCAA's, a good multi vitamin, and a quality creatine. Keep reading and learning bro, youre doing great.
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You should take the protein twice a day on training days. Before and directly after workouts like I said. If the protein has a direction it is probobly based on the standard dietary serving on a 2000 caloried diet which also means that 50g's of protein is you daily recommended intake total. If it is just protein then take at least two servings a day. I would not go to GNC in the future bro, a lot of people in this forum can tell you where to hook up with legit quality protein and creatine for a lot less money and it is not no name brand shit.
Glen Whitestone said:
You should take the protein twice a day on training days. Before and directly after workouts like I said. If the protein has a direction it is probobly based on the standard dietary serving on a 2000 caloried diet which also means that 50g's of protein is you daily recommended intake total. If it is just protein then take at least two servings a day. I would not go to GNC in the future bro, a lot of people in this forum can tell you where to hook up with legit quality protein and creatine for a lot less money and it is not no name brand shit.

DEFINITLY MALIC, dont ever go to GNC again bro, you can order that same things for MUCH cheaper on sites like or . Going to places like that is like adding a middle man and you will paying much more than you should. When you order from websites like the ones i listed it will be delivered to you within 3-5 days. I've never recieved it any later, and its worth the few day wait to save money. For example, I ordered 10lbs of N-Large weight gainer from a1supplements for 46 bucks including the tax and at GNC I saw it for 65 bucks. Be smart and shop around and make sure you are getting exactly what you need (proper amount of protein and other nutrients). Be smart and you will save.
Noticed nobody mentioned Pre-loading the creatine. according to my weider brand- (free from presser!-thanks!) -you are to take 4 scoops for 5 days, then 1 scoop daily.

Might be stating the obvious malic, but you have to do this to make it work.
It depends Normal-pre-loading is early creatine. With a good delivery system you do not require loading. The loading phase was created because creatine on its own absorbs poorly into the body. The new creatines have a delivery system that if you know what to look for you don't have to pay big bucks for. The leading companies will advertise like it is a new thing only specific to their product. I can get my hands on good no load creatine for about 30 bucks and it should last me 2 months. Some could even find cheaper quality deals I bet.
not even joking...virtago cgl by nutrex..i've put 20 lbs on my bench in 6 weeks and an hr. of cardio a day, have gained 9 natural supp i've ever used...
what most people tend to forget is that creatine monohydrate is pretty much useless, what you want to be using is creatine phosphate. When you supplement with extra phosphate it helps delay the onset of fatigue by using the creatine before tapping into your body's energy stores