question on winstrol?


New member
What's going on fellas? I Have a quick question on winstrol. I've used Zambon Winstrol depot before 50mg/ml EOD, but one of my sources only sells what he has listed as Anabolic ST 100mg/20ml (wintrol V). It seems better priced than what I used to pay at 12 a vial of the Zambon. What's the major difference between winstrol Depot and Winstrol V, do i still have to take it EOD at 50 mg? Should I take have a cc to equal 50 mg? Is it oil based meaning i have to take it less frequent? Thanks for any advice fellas
I believe the concentration is twice as strong so 1 cc = 100mg rather than 50. You would only need 1/2 cc to get 50 mg, otherwise its the same regimen..every other day.
Both are water based, and the difference is that the Zambons are human grade, the Anabolic ST is Vet grade.

Since you have used Winnie before at 50 mgs EOD then another cycle on it would be more beneficial at 100 mgs EOD.

zambons, even though lower mg. per ml. are a much smoother winstrol...never ever have a clogging problem using 25 g. the others, qv, ttokyo etc. every now and then will clog up, seem to hurt alittle more as well...
Good point Willy, yes you must use a bigger gauge needle to shoot any winnie made other then zambons.

I have had a 20 gauge needle get clogged.
Re: clogging

willy said:
zambons, even though lower mg. per ml. are a much smoother winstrol...never ever have a clogging problem using 25 g. the others, qv, ttokyo etc. every now and then will clog up, seem to hurt alittle more as well...

Yep very true! It will Clog in a 25g,,,hell I've seen it clog a 23g.
If it was me I'd go with the Zambons,,,but if you can't get them
the Syd,,or QV will work nicely. Don't let it set in the Pin to long thou,,,as soon as you draw,,shoot.

No, I'm not running a winny only cycle, I'm running it with tren and using some sus to kick start it. They're also offering an oil based winny, do i have to do that everyday cause i heard that oil based stuff has a longer half life.
Elmosback said:
who makes it(supert250)?

I think they are made by Tornell....fairly good stuff...if you can get aratest and do that EOD i think you'll like that just as can even put your winni in it and that will help too minimize it clogging on you....GOOD LUCK !!!