Questions regarding fitness goals.



Hey newbies and others feel free to post about any questions you may have in regard to your fitness goals and what you wish to achieve. Remember no question is a stupid question in regards to trying to better yourself.
First post here.

Right now I am looking to "harden up" before I head south for Spring Break. Currently working w/ Skip (former member, not Lecour) on gettin BF down. He brought me here about a month or two ago and I've been checking in just about daily. We're old friends from way back in "the day." High School! Damn, does he know his shit now!!!


200 lbs...210 on Feb. 4th
BF ???...20%-ISH Feb. 4th.
Only been back in the gym hardcore for about 6 months now after a long layoff.
Going Natural, but dabling in pro-hormones. Interested in anyones experiences/advise. So far my streangh has improved every week for the past 6 weeks, and I have still lost about a pound or two of BF each of the last few weeks.

Shooting for 190 lbs and 10% BF by April 1st. Lofty I know, but if I get close I think I'll look pretty good going into the summer. Besides, I'm just taking my kids to Disney, not going to pick up any Hotties at the beach.
Welcome brother. I agree skip was very informative but however things have come to be what they are.
What are your intentions to lose bodyfat?
I have a diet that will help as well and there are some great supplements that I have used personally to do what you speak of.
let us know exactly what your specific intentions are to lose BF while gaining lean muscle I have a diet that will work great for that however its hardcore and not usual diets.
Here is my weekly routine:

Chest and Abs followed by 30 minutes of cardio

Back and Abs followed by 30 minutes of cardio

30-45 minutes of Cardio first thing in the morning

Shoulders and abs followed by 30 minutes of cardio

Bis and Tris and Abs followed by 30 minutes of cadio



Diet is as follows:
I try to eat about 220 grams of protien/day and about 15-20 grams of "good" fat/day.
Monday-Saturday I try to keep my cards to a minumum, somewhere around 25-50 throughout the day, plus 40 in my postworkout shake on days I lift.
Sunday I try to take in at least 200-250 good, low glycemic carbs.

Diet is definately my weak area. I have learned alot lately about good vs bad carbs and where to get them. Also the importance of good fats. I am on the go at work quite a bit and end up having to eat a couple of bars/shakes vs real food to get the macronutrients that I need.

My typical daily diet looks something like this M-Sat:
Protien shake w/ 35 grams of protien
Maybe a TSP of nat. PB

Post workout shake has 40 grams protien and 40 grams carbs

Can of Tuna

Protien bar w/ 30 grams protien or Tuna/PB

Bar or Shake w/ 30 grams protien or Tuna/PB

Chicken Breast or Salmon
Maybe a salad or Veggies

PM Protien shake w/ 25 grams protien

I would be interested in any suggestions/comments that you may have. I am not planning on doing any contests, but would love to get down to the 5-10% BF range for the summer. That, while adding some lean muscle as well. Not sure where I will end up.

History...I did a cycle of oral Test, oil based Test, and Deca about 12 years ago while I was in the ****s. Not sure of the dosages. Young and stupid at the time. Sure you can relate. Again, no plans to do any "hardcore" supps in the near future. Don't think the risk would be worth it. Joint custody of my 3 kids. Have been pretty happy w/ the streangth gains I have had in the past 6 weeks on Prohormones. My first time using these. Not sure how much to attribute to the supps vs finally eating right while training.

Also, what are your thoughts on training frequence for each muscle group? I am thinking that once I get my BF down to where I want it, I might try to hit each group 2x/week vs one. I just think the cardio is more important right now. I am pretty pressed for time in the gym.

Let me know what else you would like to know, and I will gladly supply it.

Appreciate your interest/imput