quick ab pics

Look awesome man, and hey I love ya so don't take this the wrong way , but I sure hope thats sweat and not baby oil in that last pic on the right hahahaha :)
well I had just got done spankin it to a marathon of baywatch, and I had nothing to wipe my hands with....
Thanks jonflex! yeah they are, but i'd give em up to be 220 all year round

You say that now when you're walking around with the physique all girls like. I was like that earlier too. Then I just wanted to be 215, then 225, then 235, now I'm 257 and I'm only 5'9. Even though I stay pretty lean in the off season it isn't the same. Although my waist gets down to about 28" when I compete, I have to hold my stomach in all the time despite there being no fat on my abs. You can't have it all man.
You say that now when you're walking around with the physique all girls like. I was like that earlier too. Then I just wanted to be 215, then 225, then 235, now I'm 257 and I'm only 5'9. Even though I stay pretty lean in the off season it isn't the same. Although my waist gets down to about 28" when I compete, I have to hold my stomach in all the time despite there being no fat on my abs. You can't have it all man.
i already got a girl though! I know what you mean though man. im just much happier at 200+, but it seems IMPOSSIBLE for me to break like 205. never been over 208, but I just started up again, so who knows...... Im only 5'8 and about 184 right now.
You make me sick. LOL. I have abs but I need a friggin drilling platform to find them unless I kill myself with cardio. How tall are you?
Shit dude, your chest came up a lot compared to your avatar! Oh, and why does your tan look better than mine? I'm fuckin filipino, live in a tropical environment, and have a pool... wtf!
Shit dude, your chest came up a lot compared to your avatar! Oh, and why does your tan look better than mine? I'm fuckin filipino, live in a tropical environment, and have a pool... wtf!
hey thanks tee! Im also tan as fuck cuz I landscape shirtless all day, then go to the beach and booze!
i already got a girl though! I know what you mean though man. im just much happier at 200+, but it seems IMPOSSIBLE for me to break like 205. never been over 208, but I just started up again, so who knows...... Im only 5'8 and about 184 right now.

youll never break 210 til you can eat.
my trick for 240 was a gram and a half of test and the 'see food' diet. but you can kiss those abs goodbye