quick pic


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Here's a pic I took before I switched up and started to bulk. Always making improvements :thumbsup:
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I wish you would move over so I could see the poster. LOL. Looking lean bro. You are way thicker than your old avatar for sure. What are you weighing there and how tall are you again?
Yeah mormal all these lean folks huh. I am still trying to find the eighth wonder of the world. My ABS.
I wish you would move over so I could see the poster. LOL. Looking lean bro. You are way thicker than your old avatar for sure. What are you weighing there and how tall are you again?

I'm 5'8" at about 173lb. Another 10lb of lean mass and I should be content (yeah right). I just wish I could bulk for a long period of time to get my body used to the weight. I constantly have to cut back up because of all the air force requirements. It's BS!