Raising kids & doing AAS---thoughts?

When it comes to kids and steroids, you just have to treat it like sex, sure your gonna do it, but not in front of them, it's an adult matter that they don't need to be exposed to.
cinnabar8521 said:
When it comes to kids and steroids, you just have to treat it like sex, sure your gonna do it, but not in front of them, it's an adult matter that they don't need to be exposed to.

This is a good philosophy IMHO.
cinnabar8521 said:
When it comes to kids and steroids, you just have to treat it like sex, sure your gonna do it, but not in front of them, it's an adult matter that they don't need to be exposed to.

That's a good way to look at it...
I don't have any kids yet, but I've thought about this. I would definately keep it secret while they're young. kids are so impressionable, and I wouldn't want them to try gear withought knowing anything about it. If they asked me about body building at a young age, I would emphasize diet, rest, proper training. If they asked me at an older age, I would fess up. I'd also try my hardest to educate them about it.
Some things you just can't hide. GH is one of them.. It's daddy's medicine and you are never to touch it. Actually she knows that she isn't supposed to touch any medicine at all except her inhaler.. that's it.. She is well aquainted with death. Her grand dad and great grand mother.. she was close to both and GD lived with us. So medicine in the house is nothing out of the normal around here.

She has the best manor's that i've seen in a very long time.. Yes sir, no sir, thankyou and your welcome.. They all come naturally to her.
She's always willing to help others, even at the cost of hurting herself.. IE: at school helping others with their work only to not quite finish her own.. That came from her teacher.
I could go on...

But I do keep her away from it mostly.. She does however have her own set of 5lbs dumbells...LOL She has deadlifted 70 some lbs.. I wasn't looking and she picked up my curling bar.
BTW she's only almost 7.
I too have three great kids Two boys & a girl. Starting with my daughter 20,19 & 16. My 16 yr old son is a high school wrestler, a great kid with a 3.7 gpa.
he truthfully does not drink or use drugs of any kind, however some of his friends do, including AAS.

My work-out partner is freakin huge and one day my son says do you think _ _ _ _ _ uses Steroids, I said what do you think, he says I don't think he could have got that big without them and that opened the door. He told me a couple of the senior wrestlers used AAS. When I ask if he thought that was a good idea, this was his reply, dad they are going to do what they want. I told him that I do believe in personal choice as long as no one else is being harmed. I also told him kids/young men at that age don't need AAS cause their natural test levels are at there peak and the potential for growth is already there, plus AAS at this time in there life could really interfere with nat. growth.

I'll quit rambling and wrap it up by saying I in no way condone the use of AAS or any-other drug by kids or any-body else, but I do feel you have to be honest and not try to bullshit them cause they will see right through it.

Its tough being a kid, they are forced to make decisions every day, some good some not. At least make sure they have the facts not useless bullshit... Just my $0.02 worth.

Kinda depends on you

I think that they are your kids and you are entitled to do whatever you want. I have made my own personal choice to not do them at all but this was at one time an issue with me and my son(8). I just thought of all the reprecutions that me getting busted would have on my life. I got in the best shape I have ever been but to be quite honest....I was an ass to my wife and most people around me. I wasn't raging or anything like that...I just thought I was a little bit better than everyone else. When I got sick and was in the hospital for 8 days..all the people who I was an ass to were right there by my side. I would not however let my son come and see me in the hospital. I don't want him to have any memories of his father like that....its definelty a personal choice. All i can say is use your head and be safe.........456
LOL, ask anyone who uses any kind of illegal substances they will all have all pro benefits in why they use. As far as children are involed, its hard enough for them to make the right choices about drugs with there peer influences, let alone them knowing daddy shoots himself with a needle! I would be pissed if I found out my son was juiceing, I would only want the best for him and I dont think steroids would get him there!
I don't think to badly about since I figure if I was a crackhead or a herion addict (which due to retards is in the same schedule 3 class for illegal drugs) it would be very shameful even if I never got caught. I would feel horrible it I got busted, but I would never get a harse punishment (hopefully) since I never have much on me. My son is only 6months old, but hopefully he'll be into sports like I am/was and will workout with me, now I will never push steroids on my son, but if I someday catch him with juice at least I could eductae him on it so he didn't just sneak it and fuck himself up. Also if anyone ever attacked my family their going to have a bad time. I just don't see steroids in a bad light, I think doing steroids as a father is much better than being a father that's a pot-head.