Raw powder grades and information

me & another guy on another forum were discussing about this.Carboxylic acid is sometimes the culprit in why people suffer extremely bad post injection pain.The manufacturer skips this process in removing the acid

interesting! i've had terrible pip from Test E Raws, and that was only making it at 250mg/ml. more pip than 100mg/ml of Prop too
Also if your test E doesn't dissolve fully in the solvent without swirling then the acid is definitely the problem. You can also do a room temp melt test to see if there is a separation of the oil and a liquid. Acid is heavy and will separate to the bottom. I have never had an issue with this, I have however watched the process and there is a ton of chems that need to be flushed away before the process is complete
Also if your test E doesn't dissolve fully in the solvent without swirling then the acid is definitely the problem. You can also do a room temp melt test to see if there is a separation of the oil and a liquid. Acid is heavy and will separate to the bottom. I have never had an issue with this, I have however watched the process and there is a ton of chems that need to be flushed away before the process is complete

very interesting to say the least. good info bro, thanks.

it did not fully dissolve in the solvents (2/20), did not know that. hmmm
very interesting to say the least. good info bro, thanks.

it did not fully dissolve in the solvents (2/20), did not know that. hmmm

Your issue with the Pain from test e was most probably an issue of it still containing carbolic acid. As PG talks about above its chemical that isnt washed away after production.

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Sorry for bumping yet another old thread but can we discuss sources on here?
Were do i find a Pharma Grade powder supplier?
Ive used the same powder supplier for over 8years and never had one complaint.
But id like to use this pharma grade powder you talk about to see if its any different from what im getting.

Also the only company i know that produces steroid APIs for large pharma companies is based in Italy.
Check them out "steroid.it"
ASSASSIN, Sourcing isn't allowed and stealing this thread wont win you any points either., especially on your 9th post.

You cannot just find a source doing Pharma Grade, those are highly controlled and only a handful of places do non commercial sales.
However if you have specific questions about grades you can Pm or post it here.

Please read the rules and welcome to MC.
Hmmm...I haven't had to to significant recrystalizations in years....might be worth putting some time into researching it for our favourite family of compounds...see if we can't find a way to improve quality easily :P
Ive never new that a more crystal raw powder means its more pure.
To an extent that is true as all compounds are in a crystal form as a base.
So for example:
Test Base,
Tren Base etc are all crystal form.

From what ive understood over the years is that the heavier the ester the lower the melting point and less purer the compound mg for mg thus meaning there will be few crystals in the raw compound.
Please chime in if im wrong but i think most are confused here as to how this all works.
Thats why products like Test Prop, Test Cyp Tren Ace, Nandrolone Phenyl Prop have high melting points as they contain more crytals and a more purer product per mg of base compound.
Whereas products like Nandrolone Decanoate, Test Enanthate, Test Decanoate, Tren enanthate have lower melting points but also have less of the actual compound per mg due to being attached to a heavier ester.
Hope that makes sense

I might be asking a lot of questions and this is only because im finding new ways to do and improve things.
Ive been brewing for over 15 years and have my fair share of experience and contacts.

What i was told when i last met my raws supplier in HK was that this raws business started years ago.
In Asia countries like India and Pakistan were a big purchaser of the pill used to stop periods and pregnancies as sex before marriage is frowned upon and due to the ever growing population the pill became in high demand to help control number of kids a family was allowed to have.
From what i understood was that the active ingredients in these pills were a combination of both horomes estrogen and progesterone.

The manufacturers in china who were producing the APIs for these pills were approached by a group of guys to produce testosterone.
Now producing estrogen is only 1 step short of turning the product into testosterone. Therefore the change was made quite easily and this is how the raws business in china began.
What boggles my mind to this day is that there are some really shit lab setups in china were they produce raws and the conditions of these places are absolutely shocking.
Im sure some batches of what is supposed to be testosterone may sometimes be released from the factory without correctly being produced. Therefore a less superior finished product with maybe some contamination from what was estrogen to begin with.
Most of the factories used to be farms and once built on the farmers were given jobs at these factories to produce raws.
To back up this ive had first hand experience as my fav compound is testosterone enanthate and ive used both UGL and Pharma grade. When using ugl i get more estrogen related sides as i do when using pharma grade at a larger dose. This has happended on around 5-6 occasions and got me thinking. Could the quality of raws coming out of china be affected due to the high demand.

Its just food for thought and please dont slate me for this!
Its the cutting that's being done, people don't realize that theres cutting in their powders they order. I agree quality is priority, the lab tested a batch sent by someone to test. The stanzanol was cut with other substances, b12,b6, manganese and some other stuff. it was 71% purity...this is what people are getting if they don't know their source.
Remember if it comes from China, any tom,dick or harry can go buy it, cut it and ship it to you. they have more product to sell the next American who is desperate to put that unpure shit in their body.
From what I am reading and learning from you guys is great two know. Sources offering 98 % grade of purity may be cut down and when it get to your hands it might be 60% or less. I'm still learning.
I would love to try this crystal process.
What chemicals do you need.
PG did you start a thread on this.
Sorry im lazy today
so I ask
Im not too sure about this Crystal process.
From what i understand and have mentioned before is that all hormones in there actual base compound state are a crystal powder.
At least from the items i have seen which are:
Most of the Orals as they have no ester attached and also Test Base, Tren Base, Nandrolone Base, Masteron Base.
All of the above were like crystal form.
Free should have been a good indication its not what you wanted haha
Tren ace almost always has some color due to the esterification process of the Acetate ester.

Look at the difference between the two suppliers tren ace.
the darker one is proven good to go. The lighter is from a new source and has"sparkles" like test prop powder has. So I am pretty sure it's cut . Good thing it was free!!
I have read up on how to do the crystal process. Its not something that I would care to try.
With the different grades improvement will be difficult as I know that China is the biggest problem for misc substances in their raws.
I know a handful of companies that are legit but most add, cut or just don't care what else gets in their powder.
One I tested had Nickel, Maganese and sucralose in it..it was stanzolol powder (winny). So know your grades and know your powders.
Look at the difference between the two suppliers tren ace.
the darker one is proven good to go. The lighter is from a new source and has"sparkles" like test prop powder has. So I am pretty sure it's cut . Good thing it was free!!

yeah that doesnt look right
Powderguy, do you know of any easy and cheap way of testing the purity of powders?

Only one I know is to check the melting point of the powders. Those rigs are a little bit pricey for an avarage joe.